d4EndgameGuideShadowseason 7

Blight Shadowmancer – Necromancer Build for Diablo 4 (Season 7)

Destroy the demons with the power of darkness.




Minion Overlord

Updated: Posted:

BlightDecrepifyCorpse TendrilsCorpse ExplosionBlood MistSoulrift


Build Introduction

The BlightBlight Shadowmancer Necromancer build is a very relaxing build, providing many layers of control over your enemies and the comfortability of safety behind your darkness skills as your enemies die to damage over time effects.

This build is similar to the Sever Shadowmancer build, which is an excellent choice to use before you have the required gear and/or Unique items to transition to this end-game variant. Or if you’d like, you can try out the Infinimist Build Guide here.

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Build Variants

A build variant is a modified version of an existing build that changes some aspects of it, such as the damage type, specific skills or passives, and even certain items like different Uniques or Legendary Aspects.

Below, you will find any variant that relates to the BlightBlight Shadowmancer Necromancer.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Great season starter
  • Safe & comfortable to play
  • Doesn’t require heavy gear investment or Uniques
  • Has a unique item requirement to function
  • Lacks single-target damage before you get the unique item

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

Required Uniques

The build features four Unique items, all of which are very common drops. The build will function without them, but will perform considerably worse until you get them.

Skill Bar and Skill Tree Points

Suggested Skill Bar
DecrepifyDecrepifyCorpse ExplosionCorpse ExplosionCorpse TendrilsCorpse TendrilsBlood MistBlood MistSoulriftSoulriftBlightBlight

Book of the Dead

Since we are focusing entirely on dealing brutal damage with our shadow skills, we have no interest in bothering our minions, so they will all be sacrificed in the name of Lilith.

  • Melee Skeletons: Reapers – By sacrificing these you get tons of extra Shadow damage.
  • Mage Skeletons: Cold Mages – These provide increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
  • Golem: Bone – Provides increased Attack Speed.


Mercenaries provide a nice extra layer of power to your character and mostly comes down to preferential decision. Below you’ll see the set-up I personally would run for this build which is having Subo as the Mercenary and for reinforcement I’d use Varyana!

Subo Skill Tree choices:

Varyana Reinforcement choices:

  • Opportunity Skill: Skill Cast – Whenever the player casts any skill in combat.
  • Reinforcement Skill: BloodthirstBloodthirst


In Season 7 we will have access to Witchpowers granting some absolutely crazy abilities that we’ll utilize to enhance our builds power. Below, you’ll find a list of the recommended powers we use for this build.

Red Power (Unique):

Purple Powers:

Paragon Board

Below you’ll find the entire end-game paragon board set-up for this build in detail!

Gear, Gems, Elixirs, and Stats

The following sections cover the important systems that are essential to improving the power of your character in the endgame of Diablo 4.

Legendary Aspects

Each aspect is listed with its matching gear slot. Do your best to keep each aspect in the assigned slot. Additionally, if you are trying to farm a specific item, we recommend using your Obols to target farm them!

Gear SlotGemsAspect / UniqueLegendary Aspect / Unique Power
HelmGrand TopazGrand TopazAspect of DisobedienceAspect of DisobedienceYou gain 0.4-0.8% increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 25-40%.
ChestGrand TopazGrand TopazAspect of Hardened BonesAspect of Hardened BonesYou gain 10-30% increased damage reduction.
GlovesN/AAspect of the Great FeastAspect of the Great FeastIf you have no active Minions, you gain 30-45% increased damage and lose 7 Essence per second.
PantsCemCem +
Aspect of the Cursed AuraAspect of the Cursed AuraA dark aura surrounds you, inflicting Decrepify and Iron Maiden on enemies who touch it. Curses inflicted this way spread to surrounding targets every 2.5-0.3 seconds and last 4 seconds outside the aura.
BootsN/AAspect of the VoidAspect of the VoidBlight’s defiled area, when spawned, pulls in enemies around the affected area.
Weapon 2H (Axe)LithLith + YomYomAspect of the DamnedAspect of the DamnedYou and your minions deal x35-55% increased Shadow damage to enemies afflicted by any Curse.
AmuletAny Resistance JewelEbonpiercerEbonpiercerBlight also shoots 4 smaller projectiles that pierce enemies and deal X Shadow damage over 3 seconds.
RingAny Resistance JewelSacrificial AspectSacrificial AspectYour Sacrifice bonuses are increased by x35-55%.
RingAny Resistance JewelAspect of the Long ShadowAspect of the Long ShadowLucky Hit: Your Shadow Damage Over Time effects have a 15-35% chance to generate 3 Essence.

Gems and Runewords

See below for a more detailed explanation of the best Gems to socket into your gear for each category.

Weapon GemsArmor GemsJewelry Gems
LithLith + YomYomGrand TopazGrand Topaz
For increased Intelligence.
Royal AmethystRoyal Amethyst
Royal SapphireRoyal Sapphire
Royal RubyRoyal Ruby
Royal SkullRoyal Skull

The following Runewords are recommend to be used for this build.

Runeword CombinationEffect
LithLith + YomYomGain 25 Offering when standing still for 0.3 seconds.
For 500 Offering you evoke the Druid’s PetrifyPetrify stunning enemies and increasing your Critical Strike Damage against them.
CemCem + LumLumGain 75 Offering when you Evade.
For 5 Offering with a 1 second cooldown you restore 1 Essence.

In Season 7 we’ll have access to Occult Gems, below you’ll find the list of these gems we want to use for this build.

Which Elixirs Should You Use?

Visit the Alchemist and craft an Elixir providing any Resistance you need most, or the Elixir of Advantage to increase Attack Speed. Some Elixirs cannot be crafted and only drop from things like Helltides or Nightmare Dungeons. Additionally, make sure to keep your health potion upgraded!

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Below are the affixes to prioritize on gear. Each line of affixes is listed in order of importance. Tempering Manuals and their recommended affixes are provided in the second column, and the bolded affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades. Be sure to check our Tempering and Masterworking guides for more details about these topics.

SlotTargeted Gear AffixesTempering Affixes
Helm1. Maximum Life
2. Intelligence
3. Armor
Decay InnovationDecay Innovation #% Soulrift Duration
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance #% Total Armor
Chest1. Resistance to All Elements
2. Maximum Life
3. Intelligence
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance #% Total Armor
Decay InnovationDecay Innovation #% Soulrift Duration
Gloves1. Ranks to Blight
2. Intelligence
3. Attack Speed
Profane FinesseProfane Finesse #% Damage to Cursed Enemies
Decay InnovationDecay Innovation #% Soulrift Duration
Pants1. Intelligence
2. Maximum Life
3. Armor
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance #% Total Armor
Profane InnovationProfane Innovation #% Corpse Tendrils Size
Boots1. Maximum Life
2. Movement Speed
3. Intelligence
Necromancer MotionNecromancer Motion #% Movement Speed
Profane InnovationProfane Innovation #% Corpse Tendrils Size
Ring #11. Attack Speed
2. Lucky Hit: Chance to make enemies vulnerable
3. Intelligence
Worldly StabilityWorldly Stability #% Resource Generation
Profane FinesseProfane Finesse #% Damageto Cursed Enemies
Ring #21. Attack Speed
2. Maximum Life
3. Intelligence
Worldly StabilityWorldly Stability #% Resource Generation
Profane FinesseProfane Finesse #% Damage to Cursed Enemies
2H Weapon (Axe)1. Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore Essence
2. Maximum Life
3. Intelligence
Profane FinesseProfane Finesse #% Damage to Cursed Enemies
Shadow Augments — DecayShadow Augments — Decay #% Chance for Blight Projectiles to Cast Twice

Keep in mind that the maximum Resistance is 70% by default for each element and can be increased to 85% by various sources. Furthermore, Unique items cannot be tempered, only masterworked!

Rotation and Playstyle

It’s all about spam! You want to utilize Corpse TendrilsCorpse Tendrils to control enemies, which is also done via BlightBlight in combination with the legendary aspect Aspect of the VoidAspect of the Void, pulling enemies in and stunning them. Blood MistBlood Mist is our panic button should all else fail.

With enemies being cursed by DecrepifyDecrepify, on top of having very high uptime on SoulriftSoulrift, this builds deals a ton of Shadow damage over time. Adding the damage output of both Blight and Corpse ExplosionCorpse Explosion is one thing, but when we couple that with EbonpiercerEbonpiercer things just melt away!

Uniques and Mythic Uniques

Below you will find information on Uniques and Mythic Uniques that are useful for this build. Moreover, if you are interested in target farming Mythic Uniques, check out our How to Farm Mythic Uniques guide.


The build is designed around the EbonpiercerEbonpiercer but below you’ll find some optional Mythic Unique items worth looking at!

Mythic Uniques

Some Mythic Unique items can be absolutely insane, but comes at the cost of removing a Legendary aspect power which we are already very short on. Below is a list of Mythic Uniques you could use though:

Advanced Information

Below, you will find every additional piece of information you need to know for a more in-depth look at this build.

Build Mechanics

By creating tons of Shadow damage over time effects on the battle-field we have a long list of effects taking advantage of just that both in terms of resource management, damage output and defensive scaling.

Most of our damage output will in the end come from the EbonpiercerEbonpiercer.


The build provides a crazy amount of control over the enemies with stuns and slows being reliably on the field at all times. SoulriftSoulrift provides a barrier to further enhance our defensive state and, should you find yourself in a dangerous spot, Blood MistBlood Mist will save the day!


A multitude of Shadow damage over time effects perfectly works in harmony with the build requiring unique item as they will trigger for big bursts of damage output.

Obol Gambling

Obol gambling is a great way to potentially find item upgrades or items missing from your build. Check out the new tool guide from Icy Veins for gambling Obols in the link below.


  • January 19th, 2025: Guide updated for Season 7.
  • October 12th, 2024: New Paragon tool added.
  • October 7th, 2024: Paragon board added.
  • October 2nd, 2024: Guide updated for Season 6.
  • August 5th, 2024: Guide updated for Season 5, Infernal Hordes.
  • May 31st, 2024: Fixed a minor Paragon Board route miss.
  • May 16th, 2024: Gem updates.
  • May 13th, 2024: Guide updated for Season 4 Loot Reborn.
  • January 22nd, 2024: Guide updated for Season 3 Season of the Construct.
  • October 21st, 2023: Updated Paragon Boards.
  • October 15th, 2023: Guide updated for Season 2 Season of Blood, Patch 1.2.
  • August 7th, 2023: Guide updated for Patch 1.1.1.
  • July 19th, 2023: Guide updated for Season 1 including Malignant Hearts.
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