Druid Class
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Diablo 4 – Druid Skills Guide (Season 7)

A breakdown of every Druid skill and its enhancements and upgrades.




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The Druid has access to 26 different skills in Diablo 4. Most skills also have an “enhanced” version as well as two mutually exclusive upgrades that improve them in various ways.

This section provides a brief overview of the Druid skills as well as their enhancements and upgrades.

For a detailed list of Druid talents, refer to our Druid Passive Talents page.

Druid Passive Talents

For more general information about the class, refer to our Druid Guide.

Druid Leveling Guide

Druid Basic Skills

Basic Skills are spammable skills whose primary purpose is to generate Spirit for skills of the Spirit category. By virtue of being free and having no cooldown, they are also used to fill dead time while waiting for other, more powerful skills to be available.

Earth Spike

Spirit Generation16
Lucky Hit Chance35%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionSunder the earth, impaling the first enemy hit for {#}% damage.
Enhanced Earth SpikeEnhanced Earth SpikeEarth Spike has a 15% chance to Stun for 2.5 seconds.
Wild Earth SpikeWild Earth SpikeSummon a second Earth Spike when hitting an Immobilized or Stunned enemy.
Fierce Earth SpikeFierce Earth SpikeFortify for 12% of your Maximum Life whenever Earth Spike damages enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.


Spirit Generation15
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werewolf and claw at an enemy for {#}% damage.
Enhanced ClawEnhanced ClawClaw’s Attack Speed is increased by +20%.
Wild ClawWild ClawClaw has a 15% chance to attack twice.
Fierce ClawFierce ClawClaw applies 20% Poisoning damage over 6 seconds.

Storm Strike

Spirit Generation15
Lucky Hit Chance25%
Damage TypeLightning
DescriptionElectricity gathers around your weapon, dealing {#}% damage to your target and chaining to up to 3 surrounding enemies, dealing less damage each time it chains.
Enhanced Storm StrikeEnhanced Storm StrikeStorm Strike has a 15% chance to Immobilize all enemies hit for 2.5 seconds.
Wild Storm StrikeWild Storm StrikeStorm Strike chains to 2 additional targets.
Fierce Storm StrikeFierce Storm StrikeStorm Strike has a 50% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.


Spirit Generation20
Lucky Hit Chance30%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werebear and maul enemies in front of you, dealing {#}% damage.
Enhanced MaulEnhanced MaulIf an enemy is hit by Maul, then Fortify for 8% of your Maximum Life.
Wild MaulWild MaulMaul has a 20% chance to Knock Down enemies for 2 seconds.
Fierce MaulFierce MaulIncreases the range and radius of Maul by 25%.

Wind Shear

Spirit Generation16
Lucky Hit Chance20%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionConjure a piercing blade of wind, dealing {#}% damage.
Enhanced Wind ShearEnhanced Wind ShearWind Shear has a 20% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds.
Wild Wind ShearWild Wind ShearWind Shear grants 4 additional Spirit for each enemy hit beyond the first.
Fierce Wind ShearFierce Wind ShearEach enemy hit by Wind Shear increases your Movement Speed by +5% for 5 seconds, up to +20%.

Druid Core Skills

Core Skills are the main sources of damage of the Druid. Although they have no cooldown, the main limiting factor of Core Skills is their Spirit cost.


Spirit Cost35
Lucky Hit Chance25%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing {#}% damage to surrounding enemies.
Enhanced PulverizeEnhanced PulverizeYour next Pulverize will Overpower every 12 seconds while you remain Healthy.
Primal PulverizePrimal PulverizeEnemies hit with Pulverize deal 20% reduced damage for 4 seconds.
Raging PulverizeRaging PulverizeEnemies Overpowered by Pulverize are Stunned for 3 seconds.


Spirit Cost30
Lucky Hit Chance20%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionCrush enemies between 4 pillars of earth, dealing up to {#}% damage.
Enhanced LandslideEnhanced LandslideAfter Landslide damages enemies 4 times, the next hit will Immobilize enemies for 3 seconds.
Primal LandslidePrimal LandslideWhen you Immobilize or Stun an enemy, you gain a Terramote. Each enemy hit by Landslide consumes a Terramote causing a guaranteed Critical Strike with x40% Critical Strike Damage. Bosses always have up to a 10% chance to grant a Terramote when hit.
Raging LandslideRaging LandslideWhen you strike an Immobilized or Stunned enemy with Landslide, an additional pillar of earth is formed.


Spirit Cost35
Lucky Hit Chance8%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionConjure a swirling tornado that deals {#}% damage.
Enhanced TornadoEnhanced TornadoEach time you cast Tornado, you have a 20% chance to spawn an additional Tornado.
Primal TornadoPrimal TornadoEnemies damaged by Tornado are Slowed by 8% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 40%.
Raging TornadoRaging TornadoEnemies hit with Tornado have a 10% chance to become Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Lightning Storm

Spirit Cost15 per strike
Lucky Hit Chance15%
Damage TypeLightning
DescriptionConjure a growing lightning storm that deals {#}% damage per strike. The number of strikes increase the longer the storm is channeled up to a maximum of 5 at once.
Enhanced Lightning StormEnhanced Lightning StormThe size of your Lightning Storm is preserved for 6 seconds after channeling.
Primal Lightning StormPrimal Lightning StormLightning Storm has a 12% chance to Immobilize enemies hit for 3 seconds.
Raging Lightning StormRaging Lightning StormLightning Storm gains 1 additional lightning strike.


Spirit Cost35
Lucky Hit Chance20%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werewolf and dash at the target, performing a trio of combo attacks:
1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal {#}% damage.
2nd Attack: Deal {#}% damage.
3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing {#}% damage.
Enhanced ShredEnhanced ShredShred gains +30% Attack Speed and Heals for 4% of your Maximum Life if an enemy is struck.
Primal ShredPrimal ShredShred’s second and third attacks also perform a dash. In addition, Shred’s Critical Strike Damage is increased by x30%.
Raging ShredRaging ShredShred’s third combo attack is larger, applies an additional 143% Poisoning damage over 5 seconds, and causes enemies to take 150% increased Poisoning damage for 5 seconds.

Stone Burst (Vessel of Hatred)

Spirit Cost30
Lucky Hit Chancex%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionGather stones beneath your enemies then detonate them dealing 120% Weapon damage. Channeling deals 20% Weapon damage and increases the size of the affected area, up to a 400% increase after 1.0 seconds.
Enhanced Stone BurstEnhanced Stone BurstStone Burst’s final explosion damage is increased by 25%[x] within the initial radius.
Primal Stone BurstPrimal Stone BurstWhile Channeling Stone Burst, and for 2 seconds after it ends, gain 30%[+] Attack Speed.
Raging Stone BurstRaging Stone BurstStone Burst costs 66%[x] more Spirit, and its final explosion deals 50%[x] more damage.

Druid Defensive Skills

Defensive Skills revolve around protecting the Druid by reducing or healing damage taken or otherwise debilitating enemies. Although Defensive Skills generally have a fairly long cooldown.

Cyclone Armor

Cooldown18 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance25%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionPassive: Powerful winds surround you, granting {#}% Non-Physical Damage Reduction.

Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing {#}% damage.
Enhanced Cyclone ArmorEnhanced Cyclone ArmorEnemies who are Knocked Back by Cyclone Armor are also Slowed by 70% for 2 seconds.
Innate Cyclone ArmorInnate Cyclone ArmorEvery 10 seconds, Cyclone Armor intensifies, causing incoming damage to grant you 30% Damage Reduction for 2 seconds.
Preserving Cyclone ArmorPreserving Cyclone ArmorEnemies Knocked Back by Cyclone Armor become Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Earthen Bulwark

Cooldown16 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance30%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionRocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 45% of your Maximum Life in damage.
Enhanced Earthen BulwarkEnhanced Earthen BulwarkEarthen Bulwark makes you Unstoppable while active.
Innate Earthen BulwarkInnate Earthen BulwarkRock shrapnel flies outward when Earthen Bulwark is destroyed or expires, dealing 60% to surrounding enemies. This damage is increased by Barrier bonuses.
Preserving Earthen BulwarkPreserving Earthen BulwarkCasting Earthen Bulwark grants 18% Maximum Life as Fortify.

Debilitating Roar

Cooldown22 seconds
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies’ damage dealt by 40% for 4 seconds.
Enhanced Debilitating RoarEnhanced Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar also Fortifies you for 22% Maximum Life.
Innate Debilitating RoarInnate Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar increases your damage by 15%[x] for its duration.
Preserving Debilitating RoarPreserving Debilitating RoarDebilitating Roar also Heals you for 6% of your Maximum Life each second for its duration.

Blood Howl

Cooldown15 seconds
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werewolf and howl furiously, Healing you for {#}% of your Maximum Life.
Enhanced Blood HowlEnhanced Blood HowlKills reduce the Cooldown of Blood Howl by 1 second.
Innate Blood HowlInnate Blood HowlBlood Howl also generates 20 Spirit. You deal 25%[x] increased damage until you shapeshift out of Werewolf form.
Preserving Blood HowlPreserving Blood HowlBlood Howl also increases your Attack Speed by +15% for 4 seconds.

Druid Companion Skills

Companion Skills passively summon permanent creatures that automatically attack the enemies of the Druid. These skills also have an active component, which “orders” the summoned creatures to perform a special offensive action.

Poison Creeper

Cooldown20 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance28%
Damage TypePoison
DescriptionPassive: A poison creeper periodically emerges from the ground every 7 seconds and applies {#}Poisoning damage over 6 seconds to an enemy in the area.
Active: Vines strangle all surrounding enemies, Immobilizing them for 2 seconds and Poisoning them for {#}% damage over 2 seconds.
Can be cast while moving.
Enhanced Poison CreeperEnhanced Poison CreeperPoison Creeper’s Immobilize duration is increased by 1 second.
Ferocious Poison CreeperFerocious Poison CreeperPoison Creeper’s active Poisoning duration is increased by 3 seconds.
Brutal Poison CreeperBrutal Poison CreeperYour Critical Strike Chance is increased by +20% against enemies strangled by Poison Creeper.


Cooldown11 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionPassive: Summon 2 wolf companions that bite enemies for {#}% damage.

Active: Direct your wolves to focus an enemy, becoming Unstoppable, leaping to them, and striking for {#}% damage.
Enhanced Wolf PackEnhanced Wolf PackWolves deal x25% increased damage to Immobilized, Stunned, Slowed, or Poisoned enemies.
Ferocious Wolf PackFerocious Wolf PackLucky Hit: Your Wolves’ attacks have up to a 40% chance to Fortify you for 8% Maximum Life.
Brutal Wolf PackBrutal Wolf PackWhen you Critically Strike, your Wolves gain +25% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.


Cooldown15 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance45%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionPassive: 1 Raven flies above you and periodically attacks your enemies for {#}% damage every 5 seconds.
Active: The target area is swarmed with ravens, dealing {#}% damage over 6 seconds.
Can be cast while moving.
Enhanced RavensEnhanced RavensYou have +8% increased Critical Strike Chance against enemies for 6 seconds after they are hit by Ravens.
Ferocious RavensFerocious RavensEnemies inside the swarm of Ravens when it is activated become Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Brutal RavensBrutal Ravens2 additional Ravens periodically attack enemies. Increases the passive damage of Ravens by x40%.

Druid Wrath Skills

Wrath Skills are supplementary skills that provide various useful effects, usually crowd control or damage. Although they do not cost Spirit to cast, they generally have a fairly long cooldown.


Cooldown20 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance21%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionForm a hurricane around you that deals {#}% damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.
Enhanced HurricaneEnhanced HurricaneEnemies who are damaged by Hurricane are Slowed by 25% for 2 seconds.
Natural HurricaneNatural HurricaneHurricane has a 15% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Savage HurricaneSavage HurricaneEnemies affected by Hurricane deal 20% less damage.


Cooldown14 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance33%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werebear, become Unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing {#}% damage and Knocking Back enemies. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional {#}% damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
Enhanced TrampleEnhanced TrampleTrample deals 150% bonus damage. This bonus is reduced by 50% for each enemy hit after the first.
Natural TrampleNatural TrampleCasting Trample grants 20% Maximum Life as Fortify.
Savage TrampleSavage TrampleCasting Trample grants 40 Spirit.


Cooldown10 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance4%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionUnearth a large rolling boulder that repeatedly Knocks Back enemies, dealing {#}% damage with each hit.
Enhanced BoulderEnhanced BoulderWhen Boulder reaches the end of its path, enemies hit are Slowed by 30% for 3 seconds. If Boulder Overpowered, enemies are Stunned for 4 seconds instead.
Natural BoulderNatural BoulderWhile you have any Fortify, Boulder has 20% increased Critical Strike Chance.
Savage BoulderSavage BoulderBoulder’s Critical Strike Chance is increased by +3% each time it deals damage.


Cooldown12 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePoison
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werewolf and perform an infectious bite on the target dealing {#}% damage, and applying an additional {#}% Poisoning damage over 6 seconds. Infected enemies spread Rabies to other surrounding targets.
Enhanced RabiesEnhanced RabiesRabies’ Poisoning damage also increases over the lifetime of the disease, dealing 60% bonus damage at max duration.
Natural RabiesNatural RabiesSpread distance is increased by 70%.
Savage RabiesSavage RabiesRabies deals its total Poisoning damage in 4 seconds instead of 6.

Druid Ultimate Skills

Ultimate Skills are extremely powerful skills with a cooldown to match. Their use is typically reserved for dispatching powerful enemies or clawing your way out of desperate situations. Sometimes literally.


Cooldown60 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance62%
Damage TypeLightning
DescriptionA massive storm follows you for 10 seconds. Twisters Knock Back enemies, and lightning strikes wildly dealing 115% damage.
Rank 5 BonusCasting Cataclysm Slows surrounding enemies by 70% for 8 seconds.
Prime CataclysmPrime CataclysmCataclysm’s duration is increased by 4 seconds.
Supreme CataclysmSupreme CataclysmLightning strikes from Cataclysm make enemies Vulnerable for 6 seconds.


Cooldown50 seconds
DescriptionGenerates 100 Spirit. Encase all Nearby enemies in stone, Stunning them for 4 seconds.
Rank 5 BonusCasting Petrify resets all your non-Ultimate Skill Cooldowns.
Prime PetrifyPrime PetrifyYou deal 30%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies affected by Petrify. Against Bosses the Critical Strike Damage bonus is increased to 50%[x] and its duration is increased to 7 seconds.
Supreme PetrifySupreme PetrifyKilling an enemy affected by Petrify reduces its Cooldown by 1 second. Hitting a Boss with Petrify reduces its Cooldown by 10 seconds.

Grizzly Rage

Cooldown50 seconds – starts when Grizzly Rage ends.
DescriptionShapeshift into a Dire Werebear for 10 seconds gaining 60% bonus damage and 20% Damage Reduction. Damage bonus is increased by 3% each second while in this form, up to a maximum of 75%. Kills extend the duration by 5 second, but the duration cannot go above 10 seconds.
Rank 5 BonusCasting Grizzly Rage Knocks Down surrounding enemies for 5 seconds and deals 200% damage to them.
Prime Grizzly RagePrime Grizzly RageGrizzly Rage grants you Unstoppable for 6 seconds.
Supreme Grizzly RageSupreme Grizzly RageGain 8% Maximum Life as Fortify per second while Grizzly Rage is active.


Cooldown35 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance7%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionShapeshift into a Werewolf, become Immune, and quickly dash 10 times between enemies in the area dealing up to 600% damage.
Rank 5 BonusRank 5: Lacerate damage is increased by 30% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.
Prime LaceratePrime LacerateLacerate hits Heal for 3% Maximum Life, increased to 6% on Critical Strikes. The first Critical Strike is guaranteed and deals x150% increased damage.
Supreme LacerateSupreme LacerateWhenever Lacerate Critically Strikes, you deal x4% increased damage for 10 seconds, up to x40%.

Druid Dismount Skill

While mounted, the Druid has access to a unique Dismount Skill which causes the Druid to jump off their mount, shapeshift into a Werebear while in mid-air, and slam the ground, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.

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