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Injured Status Effect in Diablo 4

An overview of the Injured Status Effect in Diablo 4.




Updated: Posted:

Status Effect NameEffect Description
InjuredInjured characters or targets have less than 35% of their Health Remaining

Injured is a type of health status that means the target’s remaining life has dropped below 35%. Being injured does not change the target’s abilities or behavior, but it can affect various skills and effects that inflict more damage to injured enemies or players.

How to Apply Injured

Both the player and the enemies can become injured. There are some skills, items, and passives that can make use of the injured status. Some Legendary Aspects can also enhance this effect, such as the Smiting AspectSmiting Aspect.

Here are some examples of Skills or Passives related to the Injured Status Effect:

BarbarianSlaying StrikeSlaying Strike
RogueEnhanced Shadow ImbuementEnhanced Shadow ImbuementExploitExploit

How to Recognize Injured

Players will recognize they are injured when their life is at 35% or lower.

Additional Information About Injured

Watch out for some enemies, especially in Nightmare Dungeons, that can have a buff that boosts their damage against injured players.

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