d4EndgameGuidenecromancerBoneMinionseason 7

Mendeln Summoner – Necromancer Build for Diablo 4 (Season 7)

The best endgame Summoner Necromancer build




Minion Overlord

Updated: Posted:

Raise SkeletonCorpse TendrilsDecrepifyBone StormSoulrift


Build Introduction

This is the comprehensive guide for the Mendeln version of original Summoner Necromancer build which requires the unique Ring of MendelnRing of Mendeln, as the entire build is designed around it! By not scaling our multipliers via Shadow damage we provide a significantly smoother play-style at the cost of high-end DPS output in the latest end-game content while providing better performance in the early stage of end-game!

The Mendeln Necromancer is able to run high-tier Nightmare Dungeons, as well as defeat the Echo of Lilith. The build is by far one of the most enjoyable Necromancer builds you can possibly play in my opinion. It’s fast and brings out high damage numbers making it capable of killing challenging content and bosses well before you reach Level 60!

This guide page covers the build’s introduction, requirements, skill tree points, and mercenary recommendations for the Mendeln Summoner Necromancer. To navigate to the other pages of this build, you can use the buttons below.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Extremely effective minion build for end-game play
  • Safe to play
  • Easy to gear
  • Won’t clear pit 150 like a Blood Wave build
  • Requires the Unique Ring of Mendeln

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

Required Uniques

Since the build is entirely designed around Ring of MendelnRing of Mendeln, you’ll need that Unique Ring before you can follow this guide to its full efficiency. We also want to utilize Blood Moon BreechesBlood Moon Breeches for optimized efficiency.

Skill Tree Points and Skill Bar

Suggested Skill Bar
Raise SkeletonRaise SkeletonGolem (Iron)Golem (Iron)Corpse TendrilsCorpse TendrilsCorpse ExplosionCorpse ExplosionArmy of the DeadArmy of the DeadBlightBlight

Follow the points allocated in the Skill Tree above for the complete 71-point build. The additional 12 skill points are completed using the Renown system.

Book of the Dead

This build is all about having our minions attack fast to trigger the unique ring, this means a heavy focus of attack speed.

  • Melee Skeletons: Reavers – We’ll take Upgrade #1 here to make them reduce one of our Cooldowns consistently.
  • Mage Skeletons: Shadow – We can get x3% multiplicative damage scaling PER Shadow Mage with the first option here.
  • Golem: Iron – Upgrade #2 to make our Golem ability spam group enemies together consistently.


Mercenaries provide a nice extra layer of power to your character and mostly comes down to preferential decision. Below you’ll see the set-up I personally would run for this build which is having Subo as the Mercenary and for reinforcement I’d use Varyana!

Subo Skill Tree choices:

Varyana Reinforcement choices:

  • Opportunity Skill: Skill Cast – Whenever the player casts any skill in combat.
  • Reinforcement Skill: BloodthirstBloodthirst


In Season 7 we will have access to Witchpowers granting some absolutely crazy abilities that we’ll utilize to enhance our builds power. Below, you’ll find a list of the recommended powers we use for this build.

Red Power (Unique):

Purple Powers:

Navigation to other pages:

Mendeln Summoner – Build IntroductionRotation and Gameplay
Gear and GemsParagon Board


  • February 24th, 2025: Mendeln bug fix seemingly fixed, removed disclaimer.
  • February 18th, 2025: Mendeln bug fix isn’t working, re-added disclaimer.
  • February 18th, 2025: Mendeln unique bug fix patched, removed disclaimer.
  • January 25th, 2025: Minor adjustments.
  • January 16th, 2025: Guide split into 4 pages and updated for Season 7.
  • October 12th, 2024: Major guide changes due to an in-game bug.
  • October 7th, 2024: Paragon board updated.
  • October 2nd, 2024: Guide updated for Season 6.
  • August 5th, 2024: Guide updated for Season 5, Infernal Hordes.
  • May 16th, 2024: Complete rework of the guide due to undocumented changes in the patch notes demanding heavy improvements on the guide.
  • May 15th, 2024: Tempering gear updates.
  • May 11th, 2024: Guide updated for Season 4 Loot Reborn.
  • January 22nd, 2024: Guide updated for Season 3 Season of the Construct.
  • October 22nd, 2023: Minor Skill-Tree Adjustments.
  • October 21st, 2023: Paragon Board updated.
  • October 15th, 2023: Guide updated for Season 2 Season of Blood, Patch 1.2.
  • August 7th, 2023: Guide updated for Patch 1.1.1.
  • July 26th, 2023: Big rework on the structure of the guide.
    • Changes entire Paragon Board, Aspects, skill tree.
    • Finalized decision of the Season 1 Heart choices.
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