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BiS Gear – Rapid Fire Rogue Build for Diablo 4 (Season 7)

Recommended Gear, Gems, Runes, and Stats for the Rapid Fire Rogue!




Theorycraft Build Maker and Content Creator

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The best-in-slot gear, Gems, and Runes are covered on this page of the Rapid Fire Rogue build guide. Use the buttons below to navigate to the other pages.

Legendary Aspects

Listed below are all the best-in-slot Aspects for the Rapid Fire Rogue build. Salvage Legendary Items with higher Aspect values to unlock them in the Codex of Power, and then imprint them onto Legendary Items with the preferred affixes.

Gear SlotNameEffect
Ranged Weapon (replaced by SkyhunterSkyhunter)Edgemaster's AspectEdgemaster’s AspectSkills deal up to [10 – 20%] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.
Amulet (+50 bonus effect)Coldclip AspectColdclip AspectYour Basic Skills are always Cold Imbued. You deal x [5 – 20%] increased damage to enemies who are Chilled or Frozen.
Dual-Wielded Weapon Slot #1 (replaced by CondemnationCondemnation)Rapid AspectRapid AspectBasic Skills gain [15 – 30%] Attack Speed.
Dual-Wielded Weapon Slot #2Aspect of the ExpectantAspect of the ExpectantAttacking enemies with a Basic Skill increases the damage of your next Core Skill cast by [5 – 10%], up to 30%.
Gloves (optional replacement with Fists of FateFists of Fate)Aspect of RetributionAspect of RetributionDistant enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you. You deal [15 – 30%] increased damage to Stunned and Knocked Down enemies.
Ring Slot #1Scoundrel's KissScoundrel’s KissRapid Fire now lobs exploding arrows that deal [15% – 25%] increased damage.
Ring Slot #2 (replaced by Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies)Accelerating AspectAccelerating AspectCritical Strikes with Core Skills increase your Attack Speed by [15 – 25%] for 3 seconds.
Helm (replaced by Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest)Aspect of MightAspect of MightBasic Skills grant 20% Damage Reduction for [2 – 6] seconds
Chest (replaced by Tyrael's MightTyrael’s Might or Shroud of False DeathShroud of False Death)Aspect of Quickening FogAspect of Quickening FogYou automatically drop a Smoke Grenade at the end of Dash. Smoke Grenades reduce Dash’s cooldown by [0.5 – 0.65] seconds for each enemy hit, up to [1.50 – 1.95] seconds.
PantsUmbrous AspectUmbrous AspectLucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a [45 – 60%] chance to grant a free Dark Shroud shadow.
BootsAspect of Concussive StrikesAspect of Concussive StrikesLucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze them for 2 seconds. You deal x [5 – 20%] increased damage to Dazed enemies.

Gems and Runewords

Listed below are the best Gems to socket into gear for each item type.

Weapon GemsArmor GemsJewelry Gems
Grand EmeraldGrand Emerald for increased Critical Strike Damage.Grand EmeraldGrand Emerald for Dexterity.Any Resistance Gems needed or Grand SkullGrand Skull for Armor (up to the 1,000 Armor cap).

If you are playing the Season of Witchcraft (Season 7), visit Gelena at the Tree of Whispers to craft Occult Gems. Socketing 3 of the following Occult Gems into your jewelry, listed in order of importance.

  1. Friend of the BogFriend of the Bog — While you have three or more Growth & Decay Witch Powers equipped: You gain x8% Primary Core Stat, x10% Maximum Life, and Unhindered.
  2. Dust StoneDust Stone — For each of your Auras and Hexes an enemy is afflicted by, they take 2.5% increased damage from you.
  3. Moonlight WardMoonlight Ward — For each rank in your slotted Unique Witchcraft Power, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and 0.5% Maximum Resistance to All Elements.
  4. Hungering VoidHungering Void — While you have an Aura active, pull Nearby enemies toward you every 8 seconds.

Insert one of the following Runewords, consisting of a Rune of Offering and a Rune of Invocation, into your equipped Ranged Weapon. The other Runeword can be inserted into any equipped Helm, Chest, or Pants item. Add sockets to your equipment at the Jeweler if necessary.

Gain: 150 Offering — Evoke power from another Class.
Requires: 600 Offering, Cooldown: 2 Seconds — Evoke the Barbarian’s Enhanced War Cry, increasing your Movement Speed and damage dealt.
Gain: 25 Offering — Stand still for 0.3 seconds.
Requires: 100 Offering, Cooldown: 1 Second — Evoke the Necromancer’s Horrid Decrepify, Slowing enemies, reducing their damage, and letting you Execute them.

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Listed below are the affixes to prioritize on gear for Rapid Fire Rogues. Each line of affixes are listed in order of importance. Affixes on the same line are considered to be equally important, but their benefits may vary depending on how much is stacked or other character stats. Attempt to obtain all affixes in each line before moving to the next line. Bolded affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades.

When comparing Legendary weapons with similar item levels, Crossbows are preferred over Bows for the higher Damage per Hit for Rapid FireRapid Fire. Daggers are selected for the fastest weapon speed to generate Combo Points.

PrecisionPrecision increases the priority of Critical Strike Damage to scale the bonus multiplier, while reducing the need for Critical Strike Chance.

Prioritize Boots with the implicit effect, attacks reduce Evade’s cooldown, for constant Evades to activate Advanced Rapid FireAdvanced Rapid Fire.

The priority order of Resistances is Lightning > Poison > Fire > Cold > Shadow. Maximum Resistance is 70% by default for each element and can be increased to 85% by various sources.

Armor is only needed until capped at 1,000.

Check out our Tempering Guide for more details on Blacksmith upgrading.

SlotGear AffixesTempering Affixes
Weapons1. Critical Strike Damage
2. Maximum Life, Dexterity
Marksman Augments — CoreMarksman Augments — Core (Weapon): Chance for Rapid Fire Projectiles to Cast Twice
Worldly FinesseWorldly Finesse (Offensive): Critical Strike Damage
Helm1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
3. Dexterity, Maximum Life, Lucky Hit Chance
Daze ControlDaze Control (Utility): Lucky Hit Chance to Daze
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor up to 1,000 cap, otherwise Dodge Chance
Chest1. Ranks to Dark Shroud
2. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
3. Dexterity, Maximum Life
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune (Utility): Lucky Hit Chance to Immobilize
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor up to 1,000 cap, otherwise Dodge Chance
Gloves1. Ranks to Rapid Fire, Attack Speed
2. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
3. Dexterity, Maximum Life
Worldly FinesseWorldly Finesse (Offensive): Critical Strike Damage
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune (Utility): Lucky Hit Chance to Stun
Pants1. Dexterity, Maximum Life
2. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune (Utility): Lucky Hit Chance to Freeze
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor up to 1,000 cap, otherwise Dodge Chance
BootsImplicit Stat: Attacks Reduce Evade’s Cooldown
1. Movement Speed
2. Any uncapped Resistances or Armor
3. Ranks to Dash, Dexterity, Maximum Life
Natural MotionNatural Motion (Mobility): Movement Speed
Imbuement AbundanceImbuement Abundance (Utility): Cold Imbue Additional Casts
Amulet1. Ranks to Frigid Finesse, % Dexterity
2. Unstable Elixirs
2. Cooldown Reduction, Attack Speed
Imbuement AbundanceImbuement Abundance (Utility): Cold Imbue Additional Casts
Worldly FinesseWorldly Finesse (Offensive): Critical Strike Damage
Rings1. Critical Strike Damage, Attack Speed
2. Dexterity, Maximum Life
Worldly FinesseWorldly Finesse (Offensive): Critical Strike Damage
Agility EfficiencyAgility Efficiency (Resource): Dash Cooldown Reduction

Unique and Mythic Items

Listed below are the required, recommended, and optional Unique Items for the Rapid Fire Rogue build. Each item description includes the most important affix to target for Masterworking upgrades.

  • Scoundrel's KissScoundrel’s Kiss (required) enables Rapid FireRapid Fire to deal Area of Effect damage against groups of enemies.
    • Masterworking Priority: Ranks to Rapid Fire
  • SkyhunterSkyhunter (recommended) synergies well with PrecisionPrecision to guarantee Critical Strikes, increase damage, and restore Energy.
    • Masterworking Priority: Attack Speed, Critical Strike Damage, or Chance for Marksman Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • CondemnationCondemnation (recommended) provides a 1.4x multiplier that works well in this Combo Points build.
    • Masterworking Priority: Basic Skill Attack Speed
  • Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest (recommended) provides a good amount of offense and defense, if you are lucky enough to find this Mythic Unique Item.
    • Masterworking Priority: Cooldown Reduction
  • Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies (recommended) is a Mythic Unique Item that provides a highly valuable 1.5x multiplier. The downside is the unique effect requires some management to ramp up and maintain the buff stacks.
    • Masterworking Priority: Critical Strike Chance or Ranks to Core Skills
  • Fists of FateFists of Fate (optional) increases overall damage by 50% with a 300% value on the unique effect. They are comparable to well-rolled Legendary Gloves with Ranks to Rapid FireRapid Fire, Attack Speed, Critical Strike Chance, and an Offensive Aspect. The downside is the drastic damage range of the unique effect can cause an inconsistency in the hits required to kill enemies.
    • Masterworking Priority: Attack Speed
  • Cowl of the NamelessCowl of the Nameless (optional) provides the highest damage output when properly Masterworked.
  • Tyrael's MightTyrael’s Might (optional) is the best defensive option for a Chest Armor. The divine barrage does not contribute a significant portion of the total damage in this build.
    • Masterworking Priority: Damage Reduction
  • Shroud of False DeathShroud of False Death (optional) provides the highest damage increase in the slot due to the +1 Ranks to All Passives inherent affix.
    • Masterworking Priority: All Stats or Maximum Life

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