DruidEndgameGuideCompanionseason 7

Wolf Companion – Druid Build for Diablo 4 (Season 7)

Master the Beasts of Sanctuary with our Wolf Companion Druid




Updated: Posted:

WolvesBlood HowlDebilitating RoarPetrifyShredMaul


Build Introduction

The Wolf Companion Druid is a pet playstyle specializing in Single-Target damage. Summon your WolvesWolves and command them to seek and slay your enemies. This build focuses solely on Wolves as the active companion, with supporting companions present only with One With NatureOne With Nature.

This guide is the introduction to start your Wolf Companion adventure, including build requirements, Skill Tree, Seasonal Witchcraft, Mercenary recommendations, and patch updates. Navigate to the other pages of this build using the buttons below.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Strong Single Target
  • Straightforward Playstyle
  • Weak AoE
  • Pet AI can be unreliable

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

Required Uniques
Required Legendary Aspects

Skill Bar and Skill Tree Points

Suggested Skill Bar
Blood Howl Blood Howl Debilitating Roar Debilitating Roar Wolves Wolves Petrify Petrify Maul Maul Shred Shred

Spirit Boons – The Druid Class Specialization

Druids unlock powerful Spirit Boon passives, giving offerings to the animal spirits to receive their Blessing. Once fully unlocked, activate the final Boon by Spirit Bonding with one of the four animal spirits to take two passives from that row.

Boon NameAnimalEffect
WarinessDeerTake 15% reduced damage from Elites.
Swooping AttacksEagleGain 20% Attack Speed
Avian WrathEagleGain 40% Critical Strike Damage.
Pack LeaderWolfLucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 30% chance to reset the Cooldowns of your Companion Skills.
MasochisticSnakeLucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Shapeshifting Skills have up to a 75% chance to Heal you for 10% Maximum Life.

Powers of Witchcraft and Occult Gems

Seasonal players can choose from a selection of Witchcraft powers and Occult gems to enhance their gameplay. 1 Unique and 5 Normal Witchcraft Powers can be equipped using the Witchcraft tab on the character sheet. Witchcraft Powers gain additional effects at higher ranks. Occult gems are placed into the jewelry sockets, and can be crafted at the Tree of Whispers. Use the following setup for the Wolf Companion Druid:

Witchcraft Powers

Unique Power

PiranhadoPiranhado– Summon – Growth and Decay

  • When an enemy is afflicted by both a Hex and an Aura Effect, a Piranhado is summoned pulling enemies towards it and dealing Physical damage over 12 seconds. May occur once every 20 seconds.
  • Rank 5: Piranhado moves itself towards nearby enemies.

Normal Powers

GrowGrow Growth and Decay

  • After casting an Ultimate Skill, your Servants, Minions, and Companions are empowered with dark magics. Growing larger in size and dealing bonus damage. Lasts 15 seconds.
  • Rank 11: Your Servants, Minions and Companions gain 100% Critical Strike Chance while enlarged.

Poison Frog ServantPoison Frog Servant – Summon – Growth and Decay

  • Summon a Poison Frog Servant that attacks and Poisons enemies over 3 seconds. On death, the frog explodes violently dealing Poison instantly damage to nearby enemies. This explosion will always Critically Strike.
  • Rank 5: Poison Frog attacks will pull enemies towards itself and Taunt enemies for 1 second.

Firebat ServantsFirebat Servants – Summon – Eldritch

  • A deadly swarm of Firebats swarm enemies every 3 seconds, inflicting Fire damage over 1 total attack.
  • At Higher Ranks: Enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds after being hit 5 times by your Firebat Servants.

Aura of SiphoningAura of SiphoningGrowth and Decay

  • Conjure an aura of decay that deals Poison damage to enemies every second.
  • Rank 10: Each time Aura of Siphoning deals damage, you are healed for 1% of Maximum Life.

Hex of FlamesHex of FlamesEldritch

  • Lucky Hit: You have a chance to apply Hex of Flames. Hex of Flames deals additional Fire damage each time you deal damage to the target.
  • Rank 7: Hex of Flames explodes dealing damage to all nearby enemies when you land a Critical Strike.
  • Other Hexes like Hex of ShatteringHex of Shattering are also situationally viable.

This setup grants all available Summon types to add to your zoo. This Aura and Hex are reliable for summoning your Pirahnado.

GrowGrow is a hefty damage multiplier. All your summons, including all your native or Runeword Companions will also benefit from this.

In Push Content for topend multiplier powers like Soul HarvestSoul Harvest, you can give up a Summon like Firebat ServantsFirebat Servants.

Occult Gems

Socket Occult Gems in Jewelry slots. While endgame setups will use Legendary Gems, here are some notable Magic and Rare Gems to use while leveling:

  • Pointed FingerPointed Finger – Your Summons deal 15% more direct damage to Hexed Elites.
  • Toadling's WishToadling’s Wish – Your Non-Unique Growth & Decay witch Powers gain 35% Potency.
  • Moonlight WardMoonlight Ward – For each rank in your slotted Unique Witchcraft Power, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and .5% Maximum Resistance to All Elements.


Once unlocked, Mercenaries are followers that aid the Player in combat. A main mercenary is chosen to fight alongside you, granting strong buffs or perks, and a secondary Mercenary is chosen to periodically Reinforce you under a chosen Opportunity condition.

The following Mercenary options are recommended for the Wolf Companion Druid:

Main Mercenary – Varyana, the Berserker

Reinforcement – Aldkin, the Cursed Child

Hysteria and Bloodlust will both give useful Attack Speed Bonuses.

Raheir can also be used if extra Armor or Resistances are needed.

Season 7 Updates: Season of Witchcraft

With season 7, Wolf Companion’s Damage and quality of life is up in several ways.

  • Summons damage can now trigger player lucky hits; this includes Pack Leader Resets!
  • Updates to Legendary Paragon Boards like Heightened MaliceHeightened Malice.
  • The Seasonal Powers are favorable for the Wolf Companion, including GrowGrow.
  • The new NaguNagu Rune of Ritual is fantastic for keeping your CehCeh Spirit Wolves out and about.
  • Fixes to Aspect of the AlphaAspect of the Alpha properly applying the Werewolf tag means Lust for CarnageLust for Carnage is now a legitimate multiplier.

The following list details the important changes in the Season 7 Patch Updates that are specific to the Wolf Companion Druid. For general Season 7 information, check out our Season 7 Hub.


  • CehCeh – Summoned Spirit Wolf now benefits from Summon and Companion bonuses.

Skills and Stats:

  • The Summon Tag has been normalized across classes and systems, including Companions.
  • Summon damage is attributed to the player’s character, which means damage from summons can trigger Lucky Hit effects. Note: This includes Pack Leader Resets on Companion Skills yay!
  • PetrifyPetrify New Effect at Rank 5: Cast Petrify resets the cooldown of your non-Ultimate Skills.
  • Toxic ClawsToxic Claws – New Effect – Damage from Shred and Lacerate deal an additional 24% of their Base damage as Poisoning damage over 4 seconds.
  • Heightened SensesHeightened Senses – New Effect – When Shapeshifting, Werebear grants 3% Damage Reduction and Werewolf grants 3% Movement Speed. Both bonuses persist as long as you are in either animal form. They are lost after 3 seconds in Human form.
    • Note: This is a significant nerf, effectively killing the 17 ranks immortality cheese.
  • Heightened MaliceHeightened Malice – New Effect – While a Poisoned enemy is Nearby, you deal 35% increased damage plus an additional 5% for each additional Poisoned enemy, up to 4.
  • Ancestral GuidanceAncestral Guidance – New Effect – After spending 75 Spirit, you deal 40% increased damage for 5 seconds. Your Ultimate Skills deal 1% increased damage per Spirit when cast.
  • TerritorialTerritorial – Increased Damage Reduction against Close enemies from 10% to 15%.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue which prevented the One With NatureOne With Nature damage bonus from applying to the Vine Creeper Druid Companion’s active effect.
  • Fixed an issue where Shred could Dash without the Primal Shred upgrade learned.
  • Fixed an issue where Shred could have visual issues when cast with high amounts of attack speed.
  • Fixed an issue where Druid’s Wolves active would not interact with Lupine Ferocity nor Lust for Carnage when using Aspect of the Alpha.


  • GrowGrow Damage per rank increased from 1% to 2.5%, maximum increased from 45% to 75%.
  • Firebat ServantsFirebat Servants Damage increased from 20% to 40% per hit.
  • Hex of FlamesHex of Flames Damage increased from 40% to 60%.
  • Poison Frog ServantPoison Frog Servant
    • Poison damage total increased from 40% to 90% per rank.
    • Explosion damage total increased from 50% to 120% per rank.

Wolf Companion Main PageRotation and Gameplay
BiS GearParagon Board


  • 3 March, 2025: Updates for 2.1.3.
  • 16 January, 2025: Updates for Season 7 and Patch 2.1. 2 Tab Paragon introduced, Guide split into separate pages.
  • 18 October, 2024: Ownership of page transferred. Significant changes to Paragon, Skill Trees, and Gearing.
  • October 3rd, 2024: Updated for Season 6 (Patch 2.0.2)
  • August 3rd, 2024: Updated for Season 5 (Patch 1.5.0)
  • June 17th, 2024: Updated for Season 4 Midseason (Patch 1.4.3)
  • May 10th, 2024: Updated for Season 4 (Patch 1.4.0)
  • January 22nd, 2024: Updated for Season 3 (Patch 1.3.0)
  • October 17th, 2023: Updated for Season 2 (Patch 1.2.0)
  • August 7th, 2023: Updated for patch 1.1.1.
  • July 27th, 2023: Clarified the Aspects required to transition to this build, in the Build Requirements section.
  • July 23rd, 2023: Updated Gems section to reflect the presence of Malignant Hearts.
  • July 18th, 2023: Updated for Season 1, adding Malignant Hearts to the guide. Added Active Skill Bar.
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