201 Mythic Uniques Salvaged and Re-Crafted – How Many Greater Affixes?

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Here’s a pretty insane number, especially when it comes to Mythic Uniques! We’ve seen streamers like Rob burn dozens and dozens of the rarest items in the game trying to get one with some Greater Affixes. But even then, this particular player went above and beyond in one evening!

Rrobinson1216 claims to have salvaged 201 Mythics, using their sparks to craft new ones, all in an effort to get some Greater Affixes on the new ones. While there are no screenshots or video provided, there’s not really a reason to think it’s not real, as we’ve seen players with many Mythics.

So, what’s the answer then?

Three. That’s right, after salvaging 201 Mythic Uniques, crafting new ones, re-salvaging those and on and on, the end result is literally 3 Greater Affix items. And that’s only SINGLE GA items!

Now, we don’t get any details on the specifics, whether they were Shakos or Grandfathers etc. But considering there’s only a few weeks left in the season, perhaps it wasn’t a hunt for something specific, but rather just looking for anything good. Or, you know, you have to pass the time until Vessel of Hatred somehow!

Whatever the case may be, it really wasn’t a good RNG session!