61 Heads of Pure Damage: The Ultimate Hydra

Staff AvatarAug 25th, 2024 by Staff

Diablo 4 is becoming more and more about excess. Season 5 has everyone getting so much loot, and even Mythic Uniques aren’t that hard to get anymore. Well, a Sorcerer player has taken this theme and ran with it!

Jurasssss went all-out on some fire-breathing companions, stacking everything there is and coming up with a veritable ARMY of Hyrdras!

But How?

Luckily we also got an explanation how on earth (well, Sanctuary) to get to 61 heads. Let’s take quick overview:

  • Base Hydra at full health has 4 heads.
  • We get 6 extra heads through Tempering in each hand (main + off-hand), so +12.
  • We can then cast three Hydras with these 16 heads, so 48.
  • We then have 5 more heads from the Hydra enchantment.
  • And then there’s another two 4-headed Hydras from Fractured Winterglass, so another +8.
  • Add it all up and that’s 61!

That’s… a lot of heads. In fact, it’s too many, as Jurasssss explains that the enchantment one is overkill. It actually collides with the cap, so it replaces the 4-headed Winterglass one with its 5-headed version. So if you want to get technical, it’s only 57 heads. Not really even worth it at that point, right?

An Uber Lilith Kill for Good Measure

And to showcase this insanity, Jurasssss went and killed Echo of Lilith pretty damn fast!

While it may not necessarily be the best build of the season, it sure does look fun. And it also seems to be better at doing bosses than the vaunted Lightning Spear. If you have a rig that can stand that much action, that is!