And there we have it! All of the ultra-rare/chase items have been found and confirmed with images or video! The final piece was the Melted Heart of Selig necklace and it dropped earlier today.
Spotted by AnyComputer, a Necromancer player had the item drop in Blind Burrows, and AnyComputer even translated it for us!

Source: Melted Heart of Selig dropped today.
A little later the same day, another player, chabbaworkie, reported getting a few days ago:

This one isn’t one of the more wanted ultra-rares, which may also be the reason why we’ve seen it last. Many players may have just salvaged it without even knowing it was something special, as it’s effect isn’t that impressive.
As we already mentioned in previous posts, these almost certainly aren’t the first ones dropped and there are many more than have been reported out there (just without image or video proof) so their rarity is a little over-represented. They are still very rare, however, and most of us probably won’t be seeing them any time soon.
The final 5 arrived in the past week after Harlequin’s Crest was found relatively soon after launch. You can find them here: Andariel’s Visage; The Grandfather; Doombringer; Ring of Starless Skies. If you really really want to throw a lot of time into maybe, possibly, probably not getting these, here are the spots for “farm” them in.
Here they all are in all their glory: