All New Class Skills, Key Passives and Items Coming With Vessel of Hatred

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Diablo 4 Classes

Blizzard have detailed many changes that are coming with the 2.0 update! We have a new active skill for each class, a new key passive, and plenty of regular passive skills as well!

The recent Campfire Chat detailed many, many changes coming to 2.0, with a level squish, difficulty changes and much more, which you can check out here. When it comes to classes, there are some really cool additions, from channeled big explosions to pulsing weapon throws, so let’s get to it.


Barbarians are getting some range with their new active ability. There’s also plenty of new passives, from the big one focusing on thorns, to ultimate skill damage, basic skills increasing damage and Weapon Mastery skills granting Fortify.

There’s also a new Unique and two Aspects. The Unique gives Wrath of the BerserkerWrath of the Berserker fire damage and explosions. The Aspects empower ChargeCharge with an explosion and an extra charge, and add some AoE to Steel GraspSteel Grasp and Iron MaelstromIron Maelstrom.


Active Skill

Mighty Throw – Weapon Mastery Skill – 12 second Cooldown

  • Base Skill: Hurl your weapon, dealing 60% Weapon damage upon impact and sticking in the ground. While in the ground, your weapon pulses and deals 15% Weapon damage every second for 4 seconds.
  • Enhanced Mighty Throw: While a thrown weapon is out, gain 25% [+] increased Attack Speed.
  • Fighter’s Mighty Throw: Swapping weapons near any of your thrown weapons creates an additional pulse. Each extra pulse generates 3% of your Maximum Life as a Barrier for 6 seconds.
  • Warrior’s Mighty Throw: Mighty Throw’s impact deals 200%[x] increased damage and Stuns enemies for 2 seconds.


Passive Skills

Barbed Carapace

  • Key Passive: For every 25 Fury you spend, you gain 10%[+] Thorns for 8 seconds, up to 120%. Casting a Skill with a Cooldown grants you Unhindered for 5 seconds. During this time, you deal 100% of your Thorns as physical damage to Close enemies every second.



  • Damaging an enemy with a Basic Skill increases your damage by 3/6/9%[x] for 4 seconds.


Heavy Hitter

  • Your Ultimate Skills deal 15/30/45%[x] more damage.



  • After Overpowering, you deal 4/8/12%[x] increased damage for 4 seconds.



  • Casting a Weapon Mastery Skill Fortifies you for 10/20/30% of your Maximum Life.

Unique Item


Ugly Bastard Helm – Unique Helm


  • Affixes
    • +X% Resistance to All Elements
    • X% Wrath of the Berserker Cooldown Reduction
    • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to deal +X Fire Damage
    • +X to Prolific Fury


  • Power
    • Explode when activating Wrath of the Berserker, dealing [100-300% Weapon Damage] Fire damage to enemies. While Berserking, damage you would deal is converted to Fire damage and deal 10-30%[x] increased Fire damage.



Legendary Aspects


Aspect of Shattering Steel – Offensive Aspect


  • Steel Grasp and Iron Maelstrom launch up to 10 metal shards that deal (80-280% of Weapon Damage) Physical damage.


Aspect of the Flaming Rampage – Offensive Aspect


  • Charge gains an additional Charge. Each target hit by it explodes for [69-129% of Weapon Damage] Fire damage to surrounding enemies.


Aspect of the Flaming Rampage – Offensive Aspect


  • Charge gains an additional Charge. Each target hit by it explodes for [69-129% of Weapon Damage] Fire damage to surrounding enemies.

Paragon Board


Legendary Node


  • Force of Nature: Your Earthquakes have a 75% chance to spawn a Dust Devil every second that deals 180% Weapon damage. Earthquake damage is increased by 30% of your Damage vs Close bonus, up to a maximum of 150%.


Rare Nodes:


  • Squall: +10.0% Dust Devil Damage, +10 Strength
  • Catalyst: +45.0% Earthquake Damage, +10.0% Physical Damage
  • Alloyed: +45.0% Earthquake Duration, + 20 Armor
  • Raw Power: +10.0% Physical Damage, +10 Strength
  • Denial: +3.0% Resistance to All Elements, +20 Armor
  • Tenacity: 4.0% Maximum Life, +20 Armor

Druid Changes in Patch 2.0

Druids are getting a new core skill called Stone Burst, a channeled spell that gets larger and more powerful the longer it’s channeled.

There’s also plenty of passives coming, with some extra companion action as the key one.

Here are some of the new Druid items available in 2.0.

And the official post from the patch notes:



Active Skill


Stone Burst – Earth Core Skill – 30 Spirit Cost


  • Base Skill: Gather stones beneath your enemies then detonate them dealing 80% Weapon damage. Channeling deals 20% Weapon damage and increases the size of the affected area, up to a 400% increase after 1.0 seconds.
  • Enhanced Stone Burst: Stone Burst’s final explosion damage is increased by 25%[x] within the initial radius.
  • Primal Stone Burst: While Channeling Stone Burst and for 2 seconds afterwards, you gain 30%[+] Attack Speed.
  • Raging Stone Burst: Stone Burst costs 66%[x] more Spirit, and its final explosion deals 50%[x] more damage.


Passive Skills


One With Nature


  • Key Passive: Your Companion Skills each gain 1 additional companion and deal 50%[x] increased damage. Gain the Passive Effect of Ravens, Wolves and Poison Creeper.




  • You deal 5/10/15%[x] more damage while in Human form.




  • You deal 5/10/15%[x] more damage for 8 seconds after casting an Ultimate skill.


Feral Aptitude


  • You deal 3%[x] increased damage while Healthy and 3%[x] increased damage while above 100% Movement Speed. These bonuses can stack.




  • You deal 4%[x] increased damage for 5 seconds after casting a Defensive Skill.


Unique Item


Stone of Vehemen – Unique Totem


  • Affixes
    • Inherent: +X% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
    • +X Willpower
    • +X% Critical Strike Damage
    • +X% Chance for Stone Burst Projectiles to Cast Twice
    • +X to Stone Burst


  • Power
    • While Channeling Stone Burst, and for 2 seconds afterwards, gain 15% Damage Reduction.
    • Stone Burst’s final explosion deals 10-15%[x] increased damage, further increased by 10-15%[x] for each size increase.



Legendary Aspects


Aspect of the Agile Wolf – Utility Aspect


  • Shred gains a 4th attack that hits all surrounding enemies, deals 20-60%[x] increased damage and Knocks Down enemies for 2 seconds.


Aspect of the Rabid Bear – Offensive Aspect


  • While Grizzly Rage is active, Skills that Critically Strike apply Rabies and your Poison damage is increased by 30-90%[x].


Stormcrow’s Aspect – Offensive Aspect


  • Ravens now deal Lightning damage which is increased by 30-50%[x]. Ravens Active deals its full damage in half the time, and enemies inside it are Stunned.


Aspect of Shattered Defenses – Offensive Aspect


  • Stone Burst causes enemies to take 30-50%[x] increased damage from your other Skills for 5 seconds. Stone Burst’s Spirit cost is reduced by 10.


Aspect of Anticline Burst – Offensive Aspect


  • Stone Burst deals 15-35%[x] increased damage and when Cast at or above 75 Spirit, it is immediately at its maximum size.

Paragon Board


Legendary Node


  • Untamed: Casting a Companion Skill grants +4 Ranks to all Companion Skills for 5 seconds.


Rare Nodes


  • Apex: +25.0% Companion Damage, +6.5% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • Ferocity: +2.5% Companion Cooldown Reduction, +20 Armor
  • Fortune: +5.0% Lucky Hit Chance, +10 Willpower
  • Resolve: +3.0% Resistance to All Elements, +10 Willpower
  • Tempest: +10.0% Vulnerable Damage, +15.0% Critical Strike Damage
  • Superiority: +15.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies, +4.0% Maximum Life

Necromancer Changes in Patch 2.0

Necromancers are getting the Soulrift skill. It deals good damage over time as you absorb souls and also gives you Barrier and base resource.

There’s also the new Affliction key passive that lets them spam dots for direct damage and some new passives as well.

The Unmaker Unique directly impacts the new Soulrift skill, increasing its duration and adding some AoE to it.

And here are all those changes from the official patch notes:



Active Skill


Soulrift – Darkness Ultimate Skill – 50 second Cooldown


  • Base Skill: For 8 seconds, you corrupt surrounding enemies, dealing 65% Weapon damage per second.
  • Supreme Soulrift: Every soul absorbed increases your damage by 1%, up to 30%. This bonus persists for 5 seconds after Soulrift ends.
  • Prime Soulrift: Enemies with their souls absorbed become Vulnerable for 2 seconds. When damaging enemies affected by Soulrift, you have a 5% chance to absorb their soul.


Passive Skills




  • Key Passive: Enemies affected by Vulnerable, Crowd Control, or Shadow Damage over Time are infected with Affliction and take 15%[x] increased damage from you and your Minions. Your Curse Skills deal 30% (Weapon Damage) Shadow damage to enemies that have Affliction. This amount increases by 30%[x] of your damage to Crowd Control, Vulnerable, and Shadow Damage over Time combined.


Titan’s Fall


  • While Fortified you deal 6/12/18% increased damage to Elites.


Precision Decay


  • Your Lucky Hit chance is increased by 5/10/15%.




  • You deal 5/10/15%[x] increased damage for 8 seconds after casting an Ultimate Skill.


Necrotic Fortitude


  • Lucky Hit: Lucky Hit: Up to a 5/10/15% chance to grant yourself a Barrier for 5% of your Maximum Life for 6 seconds.


Unique Item


The Unmaker – Unique Helm


  • Affixes
    • X% Damage Reduction while you Have a Barrier
    • X% Resource Generation
    • +X to Soulrift
    • +X to Imperfectly Balanced


  • Power
    • Soulrift’s duration is increased by 0.5 seconds for every 30 Essence you spend while it is active, up to 8 seconds. Soulrift deals 100-200% of its Shadow damage per second to surrounding enemies for every 30 Essence you gain while it is active.



Legendary Aspects


Reaping Lotus’ Aspect – Offensive Aspect


  • Sever no longer returns and instead splits into 3 specters that expand out and back from its apex. Sever deals 80-120% of normal damage.


Phasing Poltergeist’s Aspect – Offensive Aspect


  • When Bone Spirit explodes, it spawns 3 spirits that seek nearby enemies and deal 20-40% of its damage. This effect can only occur once per cast.


Aspect of Fel Gluttony – Offensive Aspect


  • Your Golem Active also causes your Golem to erupt, dealing (200-400% of Weapon Damage) Physical damage to surrounding enemies. Your Golem consumes Corpses to reduce its remaining Cooldown by 1 second.

Paragon Board


Legendary Node


  • Frailty: Cursed enemies take 10%[x] increased damage from you and your Minions, increased by 10%[x] each second they are Cursed, up to 40%[x].


Rare Nodes


  • Lingering Shadow: +10% Shadow Damage Over Time, +10% Shadow Damage
  • Shadow Resilience: +10% Shadow Resistance, 4% Maximum Life
  • Calculated: +15% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies, +20 Armor
  • Preservation: +10 Intelligence, +20 Armor
  • Eradicate: +10% Vulnerable Damage, +10 Intelligence
  • Relentless: +2.5% Attack Speed, +4% Maximum Life

Rogue Changes in Patch 2.0

Rogues are getting Dance of Knives, shooting out daggers as you move around. As you charge it more, you’ll gain movement speed and dodge.

The Alchemical Admixture Key passive really encourages Rogues to get some diverse elemental damage, to get some big Imbuement hits in.

Pitfighter’s Gull is an Ancestral Ring that empowers your Smoke Grenade.

And here are all the changes from the patch notes:



Active Skill


Dance of Knives – Cutthroat Agility Skill – 6 Charges, 1 second Charge Cooldown


  • Base Skill: Channel to launch knives at surrounding enemies, consuming one Charge per second and each knife dealing 42% damage. You gain 20%[+] Movement Speed and 10% Dodge Chance while Channeling Dance of Knives.
  • Enhanced Dance: Moving 30 meters while Channeling Dance of Knives grants 4 Charges.
  • Methodical Dance: When you stop Channeling Dance of Knives, drop up to 12 Stun Grenades, each dealing 20% Weapon damage. The Channeled duration determines how many are dropped.
  • Disciplined Dance: Each Dance of Knives knife Slows enemies by 25% for 3 seconds and has a 20% chance to pierce.


Passive Skills


Alchemical Admixture


  • Key Passive: Dealing 3 different types of Non-Physical damage increases the Potency of your Imbuement skills by 40% for 5 seconds. This Potency is further increased by 20% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage to Poison, Shadow, and Cold.


Target Practice


  • 3/6/9% [+] Critical Strike Chance with Marksman and Cutthroat Skills




  • 4/8/12%[x] Damage for 4 seconds after using Evade.




  • After Dodging an attack, gain 2/4/6% Damage Reduction for 4 seconds.


Unto Dawn


  • Your Ultimate skills deal 15/30/45%[x] increased damage.


Unique Item


Pitfighter’s Gull – Unique Ring


  • Affixes
    • Inherent: +X% Shadow Resistance
    • Inherent: +X% Resistance to All Elements
    • +X% Critical Strike Chance
    • +X% Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth
    • X% Smoke Grenade Cooldown Reduction
    • +X to Mending Obscurity


  • Power
    • Casting Smoke Grenade increases your Critical Strike Damage by 33[x] for 3-6 seconds and leaves behind a cloud of shadows. While within the cloud, you gain Stealth once per second.



Legendary Aspects


Aspect of Poisonous Clouds: Offensive Aspect


  • When entering Stealth, create a cloud that deals (600-780% of Weapon Damage) Poison damage over 6 seconds.


Aspect of Splintering Shards: Offensive Aspect


  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 100% chance when hitting or killing a Frozen enemy to create an ice splinter that fires away from them dealing (25%-50% of Weapon Damage) Cold damage and Chilling for 20-30%.


Aspect of Star Shards: Offensive Aspect


  • Knives from Dance of Knives have a 50% chance to shatter into 6 shards of metal on hit, dealing 100-120% Physical damage. Dance of Knives now spends Combo Points, granting up to 3 additional Charges that can exceed the Maximum.

Paragon Board


Legendary Node


  • Danse Macabre: Casting a Mobility or Subterfuge Skill increases the damage of your next Skill by 50%[x].


Rare Nodes


  • Assassin: +25% Damage to Healthy Enemies, +4% Maximum Life
  • Acrobat: +2.5% Mobility Cooldown Reduction, +10 Dexterity
  • Skulker: +2.5% Subterfuge Cooldown Reduction, +10 Dexterity
  • Giant Killer: +16% Damage to Elites, +3% Resistance to All Elements
  • Brawler: 4.5% Damage reduction from Close Enemies, +12% Damage to Close Enemies
  • Ranger: 6% Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies, +15% Damage to Distant Enemies

Sorcerer Changes in Patch 2.0

Sorcerers are getting a new Familiar spell with 3 charges, summoning a familiar based on the school type of your last used skill. You can actually have 6 at a time as well!

Enlightment (new key passive) is all about mix-matching elements! Your char will receive various bonuses in the Enlightment state.

Sidhe Bindings is a great unique for new conjuration builds.

And here are all the changes from the patch notes:



Active Skill


Familiar – Conjuration Skill – 3 Charges, 12 second Charge Cooldown


  • Base Skill:
    • Summon a familiar matching the element of your last cast Skill for 8 seconds. It seeks enemies and periodically explodes, dealing 40% of its element’s damage.


  • You may have up to 6 Familiars active at a time.
  • Enhancement: Familiars apply effects around them every 0.5 seconds according to their element.
    • Fire: Applies 94% Burning damage over 4 seconds to enemies.
    • Cold: Applies 15% Chill to enemies.
    • Lightning: Stuns enemies for 1 second.


  • Summoned Familiar:
    • Your Familiars’ elements no longer depends on your previous cast Skill, and instead follows a set sequence of Fire to Cold, Cold to Lightning, and Lightning to Fire.


  • While you have at least two different element Familiars active, you gain 3% Damage Reduction.
  • Invoked Familiar: While you have an active Familiar, you deal 10% increased damage of its type.


Passive Skills




  • Key Passive: Casting any Skill grants 1 stack of Enlightenment, or grants 15 if your previous cast Skill was a different Element. After gaining 100 stacks you become Enlightened, can no longer gain stacks, and lose 10 stacks per second. While Enlightened your Bonus Damage with Fire, Lightning, and Cold are equal to them combined and you gain:
    • 25% increased damage
    • 45% Mana Regeneration
    • 20% Attack Speed





  • Reduce all cooldowns by 4/8/12%.


Energy Focus


  • You generate a 6 second Barrier for 0.5/1.0/1.5% of your Maximum Life every second up to 30%. This effect is lost for 5 seconds after losing health.


Dampen Layer


  • You gain 2/4/6% Damage Reduction while you have an active Barrier.


Elemental Synergies


  • Your Frost, Shock, and Pyromancy Skills deal 1/2/3% increased damage for each Skill you have equipped of their type.


Unique Item


Sidhe’s Bindings – Unique Gloves


  • Affixes:
    • +X% Non-Physical Damage
    • +X% Familiar Explosion Size
    • +X% Chance for Familiar to Hit Twice
    • +X to Familiar


  • Casting Familiar now summons all three elemental variants at once. Familiar’s duration is increased by 25-50%[x] and its Cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds, but its maximum Charges are reduced by 1.


Legendary Aspects


Aspect of Charged Flash – Offensive Aspect


  • After Charged Bolts hits enemies 50 times, your next 3 casts of Charged Bolts becomes waves that pierce and deal (200-240% Weapon Damage) Critical Shock Damage.


Aspect of Elemental Constellation – Offensive Aspect


  • Casting Pyromancy, Shock, and Frost Skills conjures a matching Elemental Dagger around you that pierces through enemies dealing (50-70% Weapon Damage) damage after 3 seconds. The damage increases by 100% per matching elemental skill you cast.


Aspect of Overheating – Offensive Aspect


  • After channeling Incinerate for 2 seconds it deals (30-70% Weapon Damage) Critical Fire damage per second for 5 seconds. Casting Incinerate refreshes and maintains this bonus.

Paragon Board


Legendary Node


  • Fundamental Release: Each Fire, Lightning, and Cold attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 10%[x] per element, up to 30%[x].


Rare Nodes


  • +10% Vulnerable Damage / +10 Intelligence
  • +10% Non-Physical Damage / +10 Intelligence
  • 5% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies / +20 Armor
  • 5% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies / +4% Maximum Life
  • +10% Damage to Burning Enemies / 16% Damage to Eiltes
  • 6.5% Damage Taken Over Time Reduction / 3% Resistance to All Elements