Big Gold Rewards on Low Levels From Whisper Caches

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The rocky start of Season 2 continues, but at least this time it’s a positive for the players!

It seems either some scaling factor is off or Blizzard are being VERY generous with Whisper Cache gold rewards in the Season of Blood. As reported by several players, it seems the very early cache rewards are the same as for much later levels.

The now very aptly named TheKabillionare first reported getting 500,000 gold from a Whisper Cache. Now, that’s pretty good at any level, but considering they got it at level 9, it’s REALLY good!

This could just be intended and Blizzard want us to have enough gold right from the start. Whatever the case may be, when you start your new character, head on to the Whisper Bounties if you’re skipping the campaign!