We have some details on how exactly the new zoom level option will work in Season 4. We saw the new view during yesterday’s Campfire stream and we now know it will be the default for PC, with toggle options for consoles as well. We’ll see how this impacts performance for players during the upcoming PTR.
For some added context, the way it works is that there will be two options now. One is a Standard zoomed feature which is how it is presently in the game. The other will be a Far feature which is what some noticed yesterday.
Some platforms like PC (but not Steam Deck) will default to the Far zoomed out feature. There will be a new option in the menu to change this to Standard as well. Steam Deck can also change it, but I just want to note their default is the Standard zoom.
Consoles will also have these two options as well.
The team did some extra checks on performance for this as this does increase draw distance and add some more things on the screen. If players experience any performance related items during PTR, please let us know in the PTR forums when those open up. It is important for us to make sure we get that in.
Here’s an example of the new zoom level from the stream:

And here’s the full gameplay from it: