If you are trying to use a Whispering Key in Diablo 4’s Nahantu zone and finding that nothing happens, you are not alone. Several players have recently run into this issue, and the solution is pretty straightforward.
Even if you own Vessel of Hatred, parts of Nahantu remain inaccessible until you progress through the expansion’s main story questline. That means some Silent Chests or blocked paths in the region will not be available right away, regardless of how many keys you have.
So if you are standing there with a Whispering Key in hand wondering why a chest will not open or an area seems blocked, the answer is: you need to advance the Vessel of Hatred campaign first.
A Quick Reminder on Whispering Keys:
- You can buy them from the Purveyor of Curiosities in any town (they cost 10 Obols each).
- They are used to open Silent Chests, which spawn randomly across the world.
- But in new zones like Nahantu, you must unlock access by doing the relevant story content first, just owning the expansion is not enough.

So if you want to get back to unlocking loot, the solution is simple: keep pushing through the campaign or skip it on your character if you have already completed it before.
Otherwise, those keys will have to wait a bit longer.