Dead End Layouts in Timed Content Need to Go

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Dead end layouts frustrate players, so why do they exist in timed content?

The latest Diablo 4 patch has introduced a surge of dead-end maps, particularly in Pits, leaving players frustrated and perplexed.

We’ve all experienced it: trying to speed farm only to hit multiple dead ends and having to backtrack through the dungeon to find a way out.

Pit dead ends and getting sent really far back when you die
byu/Psychological_Heat30 indiablo4
Why is this still even a thing? Especially there is a timer…
byu/MaestroGena indiablo4
Dear Bliz: Maps with dead ends don’t feel good in timed content.
byu/abort_retry_flail indiablo4

How to Fix the Annoying Dead End Backtracking in Diablo 4?

Fortunately, there is a simple workaround for the issue! If you uncover the entire map in the boss room (the small area just south of the boss antechamber), you’ll respawn there if you die, eliminating the need to backtrack.