Diablo 4 Achievement / Challenge Completion at 132%??

Starym Avatar by Starym

We have some VERY enterprising players showing off their game completion today. It seems Season 1 is putting D4 into overdrive as we’re seeing 132% challenge completion rates already! Wait, what?

Several players have been wondering just how exactly they managed to get more progress than is possible in the game.

Source: PaManiacOwca.

Source: JustReqon.

And the closest of the bunch, just barely in the “impossible” territory:

Source: virtguildw.

Sooo, what exactly is happening? Well, it seems the Seasonal Journey challenges are also counting as regular challenges, and no one thought to increase the %! Or rather, the Seasonal challenges don’t have their own category so they’re technically outside the challenge system, and so don’t contribute to the overall maximum percentage. But they somehow DO contribute to the gained percentage. Makes sense, sort of.

So if you see someone boasting about their high challenge completion, they may not be quite as far along as they think! Especially if they’re over 100%…