Global Community Development Director Adam Fletcher posted several tweets detailing some frequently asked questions about Season 1. The tweets focus on just how the completed content on Eternal realms (both Softcore and Hardcore) will carry over into the seasonal realms.
We also get an answer to the very common question of how different Altars of Lillith discovered by different characters will carry over (they will add up)!

My #DiabloIV Friday tweet info dump:
- Eternal Realm = Normal and Hardcore characters that are non-season.
- Seasonal Realm begins 7/20 w/ Season 1.
- Normal characters on the Eternal Realm will have map/altar progression carry over to normal characters in the Seasonal Realm.
- HC characters on the Eternal Realm will have map/altar progression carry over to HC characters in the Seasonal Realm.
- HC characters must be alive w/ that progression to carry over. Normal / HC only feed into each other. Not both. They are separate buckets.
- After the 1.1.0 patch hits or anytime during the season you can log in with your most progressed character in Eternal Realm to carry that map/altar progress into your seasonal character.
But what happens if 1 character has 10 altars in Scosglen and another has 5 in Kehjistan?
- You can log on both after 1.1.0 hits and you will then have 15 collected altars on your seasonal character as it is additive. Completing the whole map/altars before 1.1.0 will be a nice boost for those that put in the work.

For more info you can check out our Season of the Malignant general guide or a more specific FAQ here. We also recently found out there’s a new Uber Unique coming to the season and more in a Forbes interview, and we got a look at the Malignant Heart categories and at 3 of the actual hearts here.