Diablo 4 Gem System Reimagined (Fan Concept)

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Players have spoken, and it’s time to reimagine Diablo 4’s socketable gems! Currently, the gem system feels like an afterthought. Many players follow the meta, slotting the same gems everywhere without much consideration. But imagine a Diablo where choosing the right gem can make or break your build. One fan has outlined a game-changing proposal to overhaul how gems work in weapons and armor.

What’s the Problem with the Current System?

Right now, weapons gems give straightforward, somewhat uninspired bonuses like Crit Damage, Overpower, or Damage Over Time. While functional, these don’t bring much gameplay choice and are perhaps even too predictable.

Proposed Weapon Gem Overhaul

The player concept introduces dynamic effects for weapons and suggests:

  • Attack Speed instead of Overpower Damage
  • Critical Chance over Crit Damage
  • Chance to Apply Vulnerable instead of flat Vulnerable Damage

With dynamic effects like Lucky Hit Chance or Cooldown Reduction, these changes offer more engaging gameplay with strategic decisions rather than following cookie-cutter builds.

Should Gems in Jewelry Be Removed?

The player’s proposal suggests removing gems in Jewelry entirely to make space for the upcoming Rune system, which could lead to a more streamlined and focused gear system.

Proposed Rework of Armor Gems

The concept also mentions a rework of armor gems, introducing new combinations like:

  • Armor + Additional Armor to Thorns While Having a Barrier
  • Dodge Chance + Evade Cooldown
  • Resource Regeneration + Max Resource
I have done a complete overhaul of socketable gems and their effects – what do you think?
byu/Pludiablo indiablo4

What do you think? Would this proposal make gems more fun in Diablo 4?