(Updated) Diablo 4 on Steam Reverting to Trial Version for All Users!

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Blizzard have not yet fully resolved the issue causing the trial version to be forced on all Steam users. However, they are putting some changes in place to help as they try to resolve the main issue.

For now, the trial will still be in place, but it will have the level and time restrictions lifted. This means Steam players will be able to play once more, but they will have some other limitations related to the trial version. These will be related to trade, in-game chat, and some party functions.

Hi all –

We have seen and received reports regarding Diablo IV Steam owners not being able to play the game after Patch 1.5.2 due to an error regarding a ‘Trial Period Ending’.

As the team continues to troubleshoot this behind the scenes, we are planning on removing the time and leveling restrictions on the trial which should allow players on Steam to play the game.

There will still be some additional restrictions in place on Steam players while we continue work on this issue, but we know it is imperative to at least get users back in Sanctuary even with some of these restrictions in place.

Players on Steam will have some restrictions with trade, in-game chat and some party functionality such as inviting users. Once we have a full fix for this, we will update this thread and these restrictions will disappear.

We apologize for the hiccup on this and the team is looking into resolving this issue as soon as possible.

Original Post

It seems a pretty big error occurred when the Steam version of Diablo 4 was updated to patch 1.5.2! Many players have been reporting that their game stopped working, as it warned them that their trial period had ended. The thing is, these were all full purchases, and not trial version!

Image courtesy of reddit user heatemoji.

Diablo 4 recently had a free trial and it seems something got mixed up in the new patch, making all Steam users unable to play the game.

Blizzard has confirmed this and is working on a fix:

Team is looking into this issue. This appears to be affecting all Steam users.

Players are complaining over on reddit and the official forums, as you might expect when a game you own suddenly can’t be accessed!