Diablo 4 Patch Buffs Ball Lightning Sorcerers, Time to Test It Again?

Diablo 4’s latest Patch 2.1.3 has brought a big update for Sorcerers, with Ball Lightning builds getting some very interesting buffs. If you have been running this playstyle or were thinking about testing it again, now might be the perfect time. Use the Armory system and revisit Ball Lightning mid-season.

Key Buffs and Changes:

  • Ball LightningBall Lightning Damage Boosted: Base damage has increased from 24% to 30%, making the skill a little bit stronger.
  • Glass CannonGlass Cannon Passive Buffed: Damage bonuses now sit at 8/16/24% (up from 6/12/18%), rewarding a high-risk, high-reward approach.
  • Vyr's MasteryVyr’s Mastery Passive Improved: Shock skills now have a 15% chance (up from 10%) to arc to additional enemies, improving AoE potential. While our Icy Veins build does not use Vyr’s Mastery as key passive, it could be an option for a Ball Lightning build.

Reworked Unique Items:

  • Okun's CatalystOkun’s Catalyst: The description was reworded for better clarity. However, the item did not receive a buff.
    • Previous: Ball Lightning orbits you creating a static field that damages all enemies within for 140 – 180%[x] of Ball Lightning’s damage per active ball. You are Unhindered as long as the field is active.
    • Now: Casting Ball Lightning instead creates a separate static field around you that damages all enemies within for 140-180% Ball Lightning’s damage per active ball. You are Unhindered as long as the field is active.
  • Strike of StormhornStrike of Stormhorn – Now scales with Ball Lightning ranks and sees an overall damage increase from 160-200% to 175-225%. The description was also reworded to be clearer:
    • Previous: Ball Lightning splashes on impact for 160 – 200%[x] increased damage.
    • Now: Ball Lightning splashes on impact dealing 175-225% of its total damage instantly.

Do not forget that a lot of witchcraft powers have also received strong damage increases. We hope these changes push Ball Lightning Sorcerers back into the spotlight, with increased damage scaling, more AoE potential, and a better overall feel. If you have been missing the power of Ball Lightning, now is the time to put it to the test!