Diablo 4 Season 5 Hotfix 4: August 15th

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We have a brand new batch of hotfixes today! Starting off we have a sort-of-maybe nerf to Aspect of Splintering EnergyAspect of Splintering Energy, as its arcing to many enemies could cause server issues. The solution was to reduce the amount of chaining happening, but to also significantly buff the base damage increase. Aside from that we also have a fix for the damage over time persisting after player death, and the usual performance improvements as well.

HOTFIX 4 – August 15, 2024 – 1.5.0


  • Aspect of Splintering Energy
    • Damage increased from 25-50% to 50-80%.
    • Splintering Energy will arc to additional enemies less frequently.

Developer Note: In rare instances, this aspect alongside Fractured Winterglass could cause detrimental server performance issues. To solve for this, we’re reducing the frequency of it arcing to additional enemies, and increasing its damage to compensate. Additionally, the amount of Frozen Orbs that can be launched from Conjurations while using Fractured Winterglass has been adjusted in these rare instances.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Damage over Time effects could persist after the player died and revived.
  • Various stability improvements.

Developer Note: The team is continuing our investigations around issues and player reports tied to trading. For now, trade will continue to be disabled and we will follow-up with updates. Thank you all for your patience.