Spiritborn Buffed in Season 8: New Amulet, Rushing Claw Overhaul, and Aspect Upgrades

Season 8 is bringing some updates to the Spiritborn class. While the developers believe the Spiritborn to be in a good space on the class ladder, they want to build more playstyle diversity, and look to improve under-used skills like Rushing ClawRushing Claw. To do so, they are introducing a powerful new Unique Amulet and Legendary Aspect.

New Unique and Aspect

The new Sunbird’s Gorget amulet greatly improves Storm Feather builds, forming a Firestorm around you when picking up a Storm Feather. Each additional feather broadens the effect, giving good synergy with Eagle and Jaguar builds.

  • Affixes: +30% Resistance to All Elements, Movement Speed, and Passive Skill ranks.
  • Unique Power:
    • Picking up a Storm Feather forms a firestorm around you for 8 seconds, dealing 150-300% Fire damage every 0.5 seconds.
    • Every 5 additional Storm Feathers you pick up grows the firestorm, increasing its damage by 100%[x] but not refreshing its duration. The firestorm is considered to be an Eagle, Jaguar, and Storm feather skill.

The Rip and Tear aspect adds buffs to Rushing ClawRushing Claw, with effects dependent on the number of Charges consumed:

  • 1 Charge: Heals for 15% of your Maximum Life.
  • 2 Charges: Guaranteed Overpower.
  • 3 Charges: Guaranteed Critical Strike.
  • 4+ Charges: Strikes an additional time.

Rushing Claw Changes and Playstyle Adjustments

Rushing ClawRushing Claw‘s base damage is increasing from 50% to 60%, but the biggest change comes from its two new upgrade possibilities:

  • Traditional Playstyle: Keeps 4 Charges which can be redeemed one after the other, allowing for rapid attacks.
  • New Playstyle: Gains up to 20 Charges, but consumes all when used. Each consumed charge increases damage and expands its area of effect.

This change adds flexibility, giving you the choice between burst-heavy or a sustained attack playstyle.

Other Spiritborn Buffs

Several Legendary Aspects are also getting damage buffs, including:

Stronger Builds & New Synergies

Spiritborn was already in a good place, but these changes improve build variety, with the possibility to use the new Storm Feathers synergy, and an updated Rushing Claw with its new Legendary Aspect. Because of these changes, we can expect more powerful and interesting new builds emerging in Season 8.

Are you excited about the new Spiritborn changes?