Easy Diablo 4 Brazier Puzzle Solver Tool

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Brazier cellars/events are a pretty rare find these days, with players not even knowing what they are! You may have never run in to one of these, especially if you started in one of the later seasons, when going into cellars is a lot more rare. But if you do find yourself in one of these and are unsure of what to do, here’s a very easy tool that handles that for you.

The Tool

First off, the rewards aren’t exactly worth the alt-tabbing or phone lookup, with just a Radiant Chest popping up. But leaving a cool event unsolved may be too much for some! In any case, this puzzle solver for a different game (presumably Dungeons and Dragons Online) also handles the braziers!

Head on over here to check it out.

You can just click on it to randomly to get the setup you have, or you can edit the exact one in directly. And if you’re wondering how to solve it yourself, here you go:

For Those Who Like Puzzles: the Rules

If you want to solve this on your own, here are the rules. This puzzle is basically a variation of the Lights Out console game released back in 1995. You have a 3×3 field, and some of the braziers are burning while others are dark. The goal is to light all of them up. The catch is that when you toggle the state of a brazier (on to off or off to on), it also affects the adjacent braziers (vertically and horizontally – a diagonal brazier will be unaffected) and changes their state. So that’s it, go click some stuff and have fun :).

For Those Who Want to Try but Need a Tip

What you need to do is this: orient yourself. Decide which row will be the top, middle and bottom. Then apply this methodology:

Look at the top row to see which braziers are unlit.
Go to the middle row and interact with braziers that will light up unlit braziers on the top row.
Go to the bottom row and interact with braziers below each unlit brazier from the middle row.
Now go to the top row and interact with all of the braziers in line with unlit braziers on the bottom row.
Repeat this process until all of braziers are lit. It may take a while but you’ll get there.

There is also the method in which you light the corner braziers while the center one is unlit: