Easy Way to Quickly and Infinitely Reset Normal and Nightmare Dungeons in Diablo 4

Starym Avatar by Starym
Best Diablo 4 Endgame Builds

With the recent dungeon density nerfs, players have been looking for the optimal way to get the most XP possible. There are ways to infinitely reset parts of dungeons solo and without leaving the game for both normal and Nightmare varieties, so let’s take a look.

Also do note that these methods may be patched out at any time and may not work.

Normal Dungeon Reset

Let’s start with the normal dungeon version, where players have been farming XP after the recent nerfs. This method is pretty simple and doesn’t require re-logging into the game:

  • Use any Nightmare dungeon sigil
  • Enter the Nightmare dungeon and kill a few mobs
  • Town Portal out
  • Go to the normal dungeon you want to farm
  • Complete as much of the dungeon as you want
  • Town Portal out
  • Go back into the same Town Portal
  • The normal dungeon is now fully reset

There’s also this video by World First level 100, Rob, explaining and showing the process:

Nightmare Dungeon Reset

The Nightmare dungeon process is a bit more complicated in that you won’t be able to finish it at all. As explained by purr3k1ng and SnooBAE85.

  • Use the Nightmare dungeon key you want to farm
  • Enter the Nightmare dungeon
  • Town Portal out as soon as you’re in
  • Go to any normal dungeon and complete half of it (Update: it seems like clearing a cellar would also work and is faster)
  • Town Portal out
  • Go to your Nightmare dungeon
  • Complete any amount of it but do not finish it
  • Town Portal out
  • Go back into the portal
  • The Nightmare dungeon is now reset

And here’s the video explanation:

It’ll be interesting to see how long this works and if Blizzard address it at all. The Nightmare dungeon version seems more questionable and may get a fix soon, while the Normal mode one is more of a quality of life issue with skipping the relogging, so it will likely stay, unless the Nightmare fix inadvertently affects it as well.