Elon Musk Calls Diablo 4 a “Great Game”

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It appears Elon isn’t quite done talking about Diablo! In a recent tweet, he called Diablo 4 a great game and applauded Blizzard for the title!

Elon also said Diablo 1 and 2 were excellent, but he didn’t like Diablo 3.

Blizzard President Mike Ybarra responded and thanked the Diablo team for their great work.

The whole Musk / Ybarra story started with Elon claiming you don’t need skill to play Diablo 4. Elon revealed the name of his character was INeverDie.

In a response to Elon’s tweet, Blizzard President Mike Ybarra jokingly said he will have the team look into how many times Elon died.