Season 8 PTR has ended and content creator and streamer Rob2628 has compiled some detailed feedback based on testing. Here’s a rundown of everything that should change before the new Season hits.
- We shouldn’t be able to one-shot Belial, the new pinnacle boss of Season 8.
- The timer that forces you to wait for 20-30 seconds in between boss spawns needs to go.
- A reshift of the loot table to make it easier to target-farm items. Bosses are right now dropping a ton of items. Have 2-3 items to target-farm per boss, instead of the 6-7 items we have right now.
- Killing Lilith on Torment 4 needs to reward some sort of achievement or cosmetic.
Boss Powers (Seasonal Theme)
- The XP the season theme provides when you compare it to Season 7 is abysmal.
- They should add Grim Favors to the new zone takeovers to make the incursions more attractive.
- Boss powers currently outperform some of the builds, they need to be nerfed. Powers should complement your build not take it over. Especially Belial’s laser beam and Andariel’s Flaming Skull are too powerful.
- Campaign feels way too strong compared to leveling in new zones.
- The leveling experience in Diablo 4 is completely irrelevant to the endgame, which should change. Instead, Blizzard could give us something we could farm to make the leveling phase worthwhile.
- The leveling phase has been artificially increased Season 8, but it didn’t get more fun.
- Pit now scales up to 20% per level. This is going to be a problem for leveling gems and getting XP. The XP curve has not scaled with this. The meta is don’t do anything challenging content if you want to be efficient in the game.
- There is no incentive (leaderboard/rewards) for doing Pit 100+ tiers.
Barbarian Feedback
- Core skills still feel very weak.
- Bleed builds are really bad because they nerfed multipliers, such as
Gushing Wounds.
- They should add an upside to
Upheaval, given how slow and clunky it is.
Double Swing has not been in the meta either.
- Flawless Technique is a passive that’s never played. It could use a reworked.
- There are tons of damage skills like
Ground Stomp,
Steel Grasp,
Call of the Ancients,
Kick, that don’t let you assign a weapon.
- 99% of Barbarians play Two-Handed Axe Expertise. The problem is you can’t really play any other expertise because they don’t take the secondary bonus, only the primary bonus, so even if you would want to play Polearm Expertise, it’s not gonna give you the damage. You will only get the Lucky Hit Chance. This is very misleading and confusing.