Hit Them With Your Pants: Mount Trophies as Player Armor, Gloves as Capes and Pants as Weapons!

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The Public Test Realm really is a great place. A lot of the bugs get worked out and players get to see new features earl. But one of the special bonuses of the PTR is definitely seeing the more wild and hilarious bugs that wouldn’t normally sneak past to the live game! And this is CERTAINLY one of those.

Everything AND the Kitchen Sink

It seems our characters in the Vessel of Hatred may have lost a whole lot of intelligence points. So many, in fact, that they forgot which piece of gear goes where. Something must’ve messed with the game so that it forgot which type of gear goes into which visual slot, causing some hilarious pandemonium.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that this is just some very cool new quest where players haul equipment around for a merchant or somesuch. Or perhaps it’s a new type of VERY Unique weapon? That’s not the case, however, as there are plenty more examples of this, and significantly weirder ones too!

Does This Giant Head Make Me Look Fat?

This particular bug seems to be very inclusive. When we say any cosmetic can be affected, it really does mean any. It’s hard to explain what exactly happened below, so it’s better just to show you:

That’s right, it’s Lord Zir’s head itself! The mount trophy would actually make a great back-piece, although it may be sliiightly impractical!

And then there’s the ultimate power-play when it comes to fashion accessories, the Ashava’s Horn on the back!

Why Is This Happening?

One of the potential culprits here is the fact that players now are the wardrobe that can currently be found in the game’s inns. We can change our appearance anywhere, as the option is now part of the basic character menu. This is likely what is causing the bug.

But whatever the reason is, it’s awesome! And it really is one of the more fun parts of the PTR, seeing more outlandish bugs like that. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen on a PTR-like test of a game?