Impressive Warcraft Themed Cosmetic Sets in Diablo 4 Shop

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We have some pretty cool additions to the shop today! Blizzard have added 5 cosmetic armor sets based on Warcraft lore, from Sylvanas to Xal’alath, Kael’thas to Varian and more!

The Warcraft Legends sets each cost 2,800 Platinum, and there’s also an Algalon/constellar-themed mount bundle for 2,500 Platinum. Let’s take a look!

First off we have one armor set for each class, with Varian, Xavius, Xal’atath, Sylvanas and Kael’thas each representing one of the D4 classes:

And then there’s the horse, with armor and a trophy in the bundle:

You can find all of these on the in-game shop or on