Is It Still Worth Grinding Renown to Tier 5?

Until now, hitting Tier 5 Renown has been a go-to strategy for grabbing additional Paragon points. But with Season 6 on the horizon, players are starting to wonder: will it still be worth it?

In the latest Diablo 4 PTR update, Blizzard shook things up by swapping the rewards for Renown Tiers 4 and 5, along with adjusting the gold payout for each Renown unlock.

Before, Tier 5 was a big deal, rewarding players with +4 Paragon Points for each zone where they unlocked Tier 5 Renown. These points are account-wide, so they have always been a high-priority reward.

But now? Blizzard has moved those Paragon points down to Tier 4! So what is left for Tier 5? You will still get +80 Max Obols to your Obols cap, but it is nowhere near as interesting as getting additional Paragon Points.

Is Tier 5 Still Worth It?

That is exactly what players are debating. The new question is: should you still grind Renown up to Tier 5 for Season 6? With the shift in rewards, many are saying probably not. Of course, this is only a question pondered over by new players or those who have not yet completed the original Renown grind.

This change seems to make the game more approachable for new and returning players by giving them easier access to Paragon Points without the hefty Tier 5 grind. It definitely makes things less intimidating!

Right now, the consensus is that players should focus on hitting Tier 4 Renown in each region, along with hunting down those Altars of Lilith. After that? The extra Obols cap from Tier 5 is more of a “nice to have” rather than a “must have.”