Diablo 4 has some breakpoints, from the item level ones that dramatically increase their power, to the required levels to start seeing Sacred and Ancestral items on vendors. We’re taking a look at the latter today.
Regular Vendors
So, we’ve already talked about how you should probably be checking your vendors pretty much every time their stock resets. We’ve seen players get high item levels from them (with over 820 post patch 1.1), legendaries, and amazing stat rolls!
But, there are two character level breakpoints that you should look our for. According to community findings, Sacred items begin appearing at vendors from level 53. Ancestral items begin appearing from level 73. So once you hit those breakpoints, do look into your vendors frequently.

Level 70 character, no Ancestrals.
These item level requirements also seem to be relevant for Tree of Whispers caches.
Obol Vendor
Now, the Obol gambling vendor should have the same character level minimums. We’ve seen many reports of players confirming it. However, in every thread talking about these minimums there are a couple of comments of players swearing that they received Sacreds or Ancestrals before those levels.
We can’t confirm it either way (we haven’t noticed getting then before those levels ourselves – and we threw a whole lot of Obols their way), but there is a possibility that you can get Sacreds and Ancestrals from the Obol vendor before levels 53 and 73, respectively. Another possibility is that the chances of getting the higher World Tier items are simply much, much smaller before those level breakpoints, and so only a few players were lucky enough to receive them.

Have you received Sacreds or Ancestrals from Obols before levels 53 and 73?