New Record in Season 5: Player Collects 1,285 Aether

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Sapphire Soulstone

A new record has been set in Season 5! A player has managed to collect an impressive 1,285 Aether in Infernal Hordes.

SliceOfLife has collected 1,285 Aether during just one Infernal Hordes run. The boons were as follows:

  • At the end of each wave spawn 1-3 Aether
  • Killing monsters spawn Aether Events +50% faster
  • Soulsprises grant 2x Aether
  • Hellborne grants +6 Aether

Rob2628 mentioned that there might be too much RNG in Infernal Hordes, especially with the Hellborne boon. If you don’t get it, you could end up with 200-300% less Aether compared to when you do.