New Skill Point Cap for Vessel of Hatred Revealed: Everyone Gets More Points!

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In today’s new video focusing on the Spiritborn, Blizzard showed the new maximum skill points players will have access to in the upcoming expansion!

The “Inside the Game: the Spiritborn” video dives into the new class coming in the Vessel of Hatred. It features gameplay, artwork, commentary from the devs, but more interestingly, it also lets slip a key piece of information.

As you can see, the Spiriborn character showcases has 69 available skill points! That’s 11 more than the current 58 available in the game at the moment. Obviously it’s not only the Spiritborn that gets these extra skillpoints, so all classes can look forward to more skill options! And considering this addition, it’s pretty likely the other classes will be getting new additions to the skill tree as well. Definitely some passives, but perhaps a few new active skills as well? We’ll have to wait for more to be revealed about the expansion to find out.