New “Uber Boss” Coming With Season of the Malignant

Staff AvatarJul 18th, 2023 by Staff

Update: we now know that the pinnacle boss won’t be at level 100, but rather at 60 for WT3 and 80 for WT4!

Original Post

It seems there’s one more addition coming with Season 1 that we didn’t quite know about yet.

In an interview with Gamespot, quest designer Madeleine James discussed a new “Uber boss” being added to expand the endgame. She doesn’t go into much more detail that that, but the assumption is she means something like the capstone bosses and Uber Lilith, aka the “Echoes”.

“Looking back at Diablo 3 seasons, we did so much so I hope players will be pleasantly surprised with how much new content they’re getting with new powers, uniques, and the new storyline. And we’re adding a new Uber Boss that will help make endgame content fresh.” – Madeleine James

We already knew about a new “boss battle” for the season, Varshan the Consumed, and have seen him in action. It seemed like he would be a “normal” boss, related to the Malignant Tunnels feature. However, the most likely interpretation is that he will be both, with the regular version in the seasonal content. And then the “Echo of the Consumed” would be the level 100 pinnacle/Uber encounter. That’s our guess, anyway, but it’s possible (but unlikely) that this Uber boss is something else entirely.

The rest of the interview focuses on the seasonal story and Cormond, the NPC guiding us through it.

Here’s the gameplay trailer where you can see Varshan (but which version?) in action at the end:

If you’re looking for even more info on the Season of the Malignant, we recently learned that there’s a brand new pinnacle/Uber boss coming, have a Malignant Hearts guide with all their abilities, we went over everything you should do before the season arrives, found out Sacreds and Ancestrals are getting a level requirement cap, took a look at the exact details of how Renown transfers will work from Eternal to seasonal, and, of course, saw the official preview for the season as well.