Neyrelle’s Lament Animated Short

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Vessel of Hatred is getting some slow but steady hype-up, as we’re getting more and more of Neyrelle’s pre-expansion story revealed!

Neyrelle’s Lament is a wonderfully animated short story in which we hear about her perspective on recent events and Sanctuary’s history. Her journey with the Soulstone is really taking it out of her, as Mephisto’s hate pours into her. As she struggles, the breaking point of Vessel of Hatred is very much focused: will she make it or will Mephisto take her? Will we have another Dark Wanderer on our hands or something different?

We even get a glimpse of demon Neyrelle, at least in voice form as her recounting gets more and more angry. The short seems to link in directly to the Vessel of Hatred cinematic, as she’s still on the river.