Auto-Salvage Items Coming to Vessel of Hatred!

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One of the more welcome news to come out of the pre-launch Vessel of Hatred stream is less clutter coming!

The Salvage Difficulty

Blizzard announced that starting at Torment 1, the first very hard difficulty threshold, rare and magic items will be auto-salvaged. This means you will only be seeing the materials they salvage into, which are then auto-picked up! Veiled Crystals and similar galore!

This will not happen in the first four difficulties, and you’ll have to unlock Torment instead.

Torment difficulty is unlocked by defeating the Pit level 20, and the Pit opens up at level 60. So it will take a while to get to skipping rares and magic items, but once you do you can actually use the salvage for many more things! You’ll be able to socket non-ancestral items with it and create random legendary items as well! There’s even a chance at Uniques and Mythic Uniuqes!