Path of Exile 2 vs. Diablo 4: Why One Isn’t Dethroning the Other Anytime Soon

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With the Early Access launch of Path of Exile 2, fans of action RPGS couldn’t resist comparing it to Diablo 4. Some anticipated Grinding Gear Games’ sequel would unseat Blizzard’s blockbuster title, but the reality paints a different picture. Despite its depth and ambition, PoE 2 falls short of polished accessibility that keeps Diablo 4 on top!

A scroll through the Diablo 4 subreddit has revealed where PoE 2 missed the mark.

Diablo 4 Holds the Edge in User Experience

Players frequently mentioned that Diablo 4 had superior UI/UX design, better combat, and a more polished leveling experience.

As a D4 fan that’s been playing POE2 EA, here are some thoughts after 17 hours of play…
byu/DrCrustyKillz indiablo4
Diablo 4 has nothing to worry about, Path of Exile 2 is trash
byu/M4c4br346 indiablo4
D4 combat feel vs POE2 combat feel
byu/StrikingSpare100 indiablo4

Console Players Face Challenges in PoE 2

Console players trying PoE 2 reported subpar experience. Complains about bad controls and poor optimization were common.

Poe2 is really bad experience with controller in contrast with d4
byu/d2zaitsef indiablo4

What PoE 2 Gets Right

However, it’s not all doom and gloom for PoE 2. Boss battles have been widely praised for their creativity and challenge, compared to Diablo 4.

“PoE2 will kill D4” they were saying, lmao.
byu/SteveIsCrack3d indiablo4

What the Critics Say

Gaming outlets like PC Gamer had a balanced take, acknowledging PoE 2’s depth but emphasising Diablo 4’s addictive loot system:

“PoE 2 is a great game, but it can’t match the dopamine hit of a good Diablo 4 loot drop“. You can read more here.

If anything, Path of Exile has historically pushed Diablo to improve. While PoE 2 is undoubtedly more complex, DIablo 4 excels as the approachable mainstream choice for casual players!