Player Dies and Respawns Behind Locked Door

Starym AvatarJul 16th, 2023 by Starym

A lot has been said about the respawn locations in Diablo 4. Specifically, many players have been talking about the extreme distances we have to cover again after dying in certain dungeons. However, this particular player had the opposite problem.

Rethoyjk found themselves respawned ahead of the objective they were supposed to finish, behind a locked door. Now, normally this would be good news right? You got past the locked door you wanted to get past. But, as you know, Diablo 4 is a stickler for completing objectives, so rethoyjk couldn’t proceed in the dungeon without unlocking the door – which they had already gotten past!

Luckily something like this is an easy fix, you just leave the dungeon and re-enter, but it’s a pretty funny thing to happen nonetheless.

Have you had any “weird respawn” experiences?