Here’s an inspiring tale of perseverance! If you’ve ever played Hardcore, you know how annoying it is to permanently lose a character. Spending any amount of time on it, even at low levels, makes it seem like a waste! Well, this particular player would have had a WHOLE lot more annoyance/waste than that, as they worked towards the paragon level cap!
KinGGaiA not only spent a lot of time reaching that level 300, but also did it while being VERY careful! As you can see from the image below, they didn’t play on lower difficulties to keep safe either, running at Torment 4. The level up happened in the pit tier 90, so it wasn’t the greatest of challenges, but an internet outage or Blizzard server hiccup could still be fatal even then!
That snagged them the max paragon achievement mount as well:

Here are some comments from KinGGaiA on the run:
“Initially I didn’t even plan on pushing to 300, but after going back to evade spiritborn and enjoying it so much I just kept blasting Pits until I was Paragon 285 and decided I might aswell go the extramile and get that mount.. which turns out to be a cow in disguise!
Some trivia that people may or may not be interested in:
- Evade is still S+ tier for speedfarming. I was doing Pit 90s in ~65s. with super minmaxed gear (I basically played SSF, didn’t buy a single item) I can see it doing Pit 100s in 1min
- Lots of Pit layouts really should be more streamlined / better designed. The amount of dead ends / annoying little pockets etc. is pretty insane, especially when compared to, for example, maps in PoE, which also have a huge variety but overall feel a lot “smoother”.
- Died only once this season, which was on my necromancer doing andariel rotas and me watching 2nd screen and accidently afked, forgot press soulrift like an idiot
- I tried to keep up with opal usage but the Reamwalker even is still so boring that it feels like forever. ended up just buying opals
- overall, while the grind was quite insane, I did still enjoy it (mainly due to enjoying the build). Having a build that is fun to play is the most important thing
- finally found a maxrolled redirected force aspect at paragon 299.7% Really boosted these last 0.3%”
The Spiritborn class definitely helped, as it’s in a very overpowered state, with Blizzard even asking the community whether they should fix it. But, back to KinGGaiA and a big congratulations for surviving to the max level!