Renown Requirement Calculations for Diablo 4 Season 1

Starym Avatar by Starym

With the recent confirmation that players will have to play new characters to enjoy the season, the Renown grind has become a very hot topic. Aside from the actual leveling, gaining Renown again will the the biggest time investment for a new season it seems. And so today we’re taking a look at what you’ll actually need to do to get to those final Paragon point rewards (and everything else).

With the other recent announcement that all Altars of Lillith and map reveals will be carried over from Eternal characters to seasonal ones, players have calculated just how much Renown we’ll have to work on when Season 1 begins.

What Do We Get at the Start?

Before we go into the specific numbers, it’s important to note that we will be starting off our seasonal characters with two Renown reward levels unlocked in every region. With the Renown from altars and zones, as well as the hub town waypoints, we will be breaking the 500 points needed to get those all-important skill points and potion charges. That is, only if we already unlocked the Altars and all the zones on our Eternal characters.

The Seasonal Math

First off we have the numbers for each individual zone, calculated by thepixelists. To get to these numbers below you’ll have to have uncovered all waypoints and done all strongholds in that specific zone on your seasonal character. This also includes uncovering all the Altars and map zones on either Eternal or seasonal characters. After all that the below image details what you’ll need:

Source: Season 1 will require 12 dungeons/~30 side quests for max renown.

Then we also have an overall calculation of the Renown needed, by Jaradis. This looks at the total number of Renown and doesn’t separate it out by zones. However, it is a comprehensive list of all the Renown gains and their sources.

Whether that sounds like a lot or a reasonable amount to get is up to you! Blizzard have said they would be looking at the Renown grind for future seasons, so we’ll have to see how this first one pans out.