Return to Hell in Infernal Hordes: Everything We Know About the New Season 5 Endgame Activity

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Blizzard announced the main the activity for Diablo 4 Season 5! Infernal Hordes is a new wave-based endgame mode, as players actually return to Hell! So let’s take a look at all the information we have so far.

What Is Infernal Hordes?

The wave-based mode features, well, waves of many monsters! After defeating a certain number of these waves and gathering a specific event currency, a boss encounter will spawn and after beating it you will be able to choose between chests with very specific rewards.

But first we start with a “key”, as the activity unlocks with a short quest in Zarbinzet. In this case the key is the way to get to Hell, the Infernal Hordes Compass. Similar to Nightmare Dungeon Sigils, they have their own affixes and tiers, with limited revives.

You can upgrade your Compass with the Abyssal Scroll consumable, and there are 8 difficulty Tiers for the Compasses. The highest difficulty of the mode will be the equivalent of level 180-200 monsters.

Between waves you will get an Infernal Offer, where you can choose a specific buff combined with a debuff (a boon and a bane) that will change the run significantly:

Infernal Horde Rewards

As you can see above, there’s the activity-specific Burning Aether currency. Similar to Helltides’ Aberrant Cinders, all monsters will drop it and you can spend it on the chests at the end of a run. The chests themselves are special as well. You will have a choice of very specific items in each of them, and will only be able to open a limited amount based on the Aether you’ve collected (with some chests requiring all of your Aether).

The are different “Spoils” in each chest. So one will have only gold, one Uniques and Legendaries, one crafting materials, one Masterworking materials (so the Pit will no longer be the only source of them), one with a guaranteed Greater Affix item, and maybe more as well.

The Uniques and Legendaries chests will hold new items added in Season 5. You can get them specifically in the event, but they will also drop everywhere else, just with a much lower drop chance. There will be 10 new Uniques and 20 new Legendaries in the Infernal Hordes mode alone. Here are a few of the Uniques:


After clearing all the waves, we will face 5 different bosses, all corrupted members of the Kurast Council. We will fight 3 of them at a time and the encounter will changes when one is killed, or even when they lose a certain amount of health.

There are 10 variations of the boss fight, considering the different boss combinations.

We can’t wait for Season 5 to arrive! You can check out all the other major changes coming in our Campfire recap here.