Season 8 is coming soon to Diablo 4, and it’s time to prepare. Here’s a clear breakdown of what progress carries over from Season 7, and what doesn’t, when the season starts!
What Happens During the Season Reset?
Each Diablo 4 season introduces a new theme. For Season 8, players will collect Boss Powers and face the return of Belial, the Lord of Lies.
Once the current season ends, all your seasonal characters, gear, and Paragon levels transfer to the Eternal Realm, where they remain playable without seasonal mechanics.
What Progress Carries Over into Season 8?
Starting fresh doesn’t mean losing everything! Here’s what you’ll keep going into Season 8:
- Altars of Lilith and Tenets of Arakath – Once unlocked, these remain active for all future characters across ALL seasons.
- Renown Rewards – Skill Points, Potion Capacity, Paragon Points, and Obol Capacity upgrades stay unlocked.
- Class Mechanics Questline – This questline is now optional. Completing it again grants a special cache, a feature introduced in Season 7.
- Waypoints – Major waypoints carry over, making exploration in Season 8 much faster.
- Map Exploration – Once you reveal the map, that exploration is permanent.
- Cosmetics – Your earned pets, mounts, and other cosmetics remain available in every season.
What Moves to the Eternal Realm After Season 7?
Prefer to keep progressing your current characters? At the end of Season 7, this is what moves permanently to the Eternal Realm:
- All Seasonal Characters – Complete with gear, builds, and Paragon levels.
- Seasonal Progress – Like Renown, Altars of Lilith, and uncovered map areas.
Do you think Diablo 4 should allow more seasonal progress to carry forward, or is the balance right? Share your thoughts on our X page!