Seething Opal Reputation and Loot Buff Clarifications and Bug Fixes

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Many players have been wondering how and, more importantly, if Seething Opals are working right now. The seasonal reputation gains have gotten a lot of criticism/doubts to whether they’re doing anything at all in particular, as players only noticed the +20 rep on the first kill after popping an Opal.

Today we have Content Supervisor Don Adams clarifying just what’s going on with the new Season 6 consumable.

Are Opals Working Correctly?

First things first, yes, Opals are currently working as intended. There is one notable bug – they sometimes expire before their timer runs out. This is a rare occurrence, but it is being fixed soon. The more important part is that both the reputation and loot gains are active and functioning. Let’s let Adams explain:

So if you’re still feeling underwhelmed by their performance, particularly in the Season 6 reputation gain department, it’s a tuning issue and not a bug!