Someone Found a Mythic Unique with 4 Greater Affixes

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Someone hit the jackpot in Season 5 and found a Mythic Unique with 4 Greater Affixes!

The Mythic Unique that dropped was Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies! and it came with the following Greater Affixes:

  • +26.2% Attack Speed
  • +18.8% Critical Strike Chance
  • +18.8% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +3 to Core Skills
Source: Reddit

On the Season 5 PTR, Rob salvaged about 100 Uber Uniques to craft 20 The GrandfatherThe Grandfathers and only 1 out of the all came with 1 Greater Affix.

Another player salvaged 40 Mythic Uniques to craft 10 Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crests, but none of them had a Greater Affix.

This goes to show how incredibly rare it is to see a Mythic Unique with a Greater Affix on it, let alone 4!