Spiritborn Legendary Aspects and Uniques Revealed

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With the class reveal today, we got to see some new items coming in the Vessel of Hatred expansion as well!

These Aspects and Uniques for the Spiritborn showcase its potential, as all DIablo 4 classes are nothing without their items! We have a mix between the official preview blog and the livestream, as we got a collection of 6 Aspects and 3 Uniques.

Legendary Aspects

During the livestream, Blizzard separated the Aspects into three general categories. Each represented a type of bonus for the Spiriborn.

Hybrid Augmentations

First off we have the Hybrids, which combine two of the four Guardian Spirits and have them buff each other! The two examples we got focused on the Centipede, as both seem to combine it with another Guardian. The Rallying Reversal gives stacks of the the Jaguar attack speed buff for crowd controlled enemies (which may be achieveable by the Gorilla spirit as well). The Tormentor’s aspect is very much Centipede + Gorilla focused, as poison is definitely Centipede and Thorns very much Gorilla!

Power Augmentations

The power augmentations are much more straight-forward, as they directly buff an individual skill from a single Guardian.


Subpowers are also very self-explanatory, as a Guardian’s skills or individual skill get a separate power that triggers off them.


Then we have the Uniques, as both the official preview and livestream showcased some.

First off we have the Basic-skill buffing Quarterstaff (which is also a new weapon type), which will make them quite deadly and make other classes really wish it wasn’t Spiritborn only! And then there’s the evade-transforming Eagle Unique, which makes your dodge skill into a teleport/leap, as well as buffs its damage.

And then we have the Centipede ring, which spawns and buffs the Pestilent Swarm ability! It not only changes the way the skill works, but also gives it the ability to generate the Spiritborns basic resource, Vigor.

And that’s it for now, but we’ll definitely be seeing more details on the Spiritborn’s items soon, as the expansion arrives on October 8th!