You may be wanting some great gear so you can more easily take down Ashava for that mount trophy. Or maybe you just want to try out some cool new builds for your class? Whatever the reason, there are several spots you can go to to increase your farming efficiency (and have plenty of fun while doing them).
Where to Go?
As we know, the aspects unlocked in the dungeons (a list and locations for which you can find here) are always at the minimum level for that particular power. That’s where the Diablo 4 reddit community comes in. They were discussing the best farm spots for a while during the last betas, so here’s some really good spots:
- Mercy’s Reach dungeon (in the North West). There are many elites at the start here and you don’t even want to finish the dungeon. Just clear the elites, of which there should be around 10. Use the reset all dungeons button on the map screen, which will also automatically port you out. Then go again! (Source.)

- Forsaken Quarry dungeon. High mob density and only kill requirement for boss entry (but you should still probably skip the boss). (Source.)

- Malnok Stronghold. There are some high level elites in the Stronghold event. However, you need to not complete the event to be able to clear them again when they respawn. Alternatively, clearing the Stronghold gives you access to a new dungeon, Anica’s Claim. The dungeon is also good for elites, has plenty of shrines, and is a pretty short run (2ish minutes). (Source.)

- Then there’s the World Boss, but considering it’s on a long timer it isn’t really worth it. You can clear him several times per reset, though if you’re fast enough with your kills. You simply leave the game after the kill and getting into a different instance after you come back.
Additional Tips
If you’re only aiming for legendaries, the ultimate farming trick is to have a group and split up (if you have builds good enough to efficiently solo in multiplayer). You don’t have to pick legendaries up at all, as they all get sent to your stash if you don’t. Your party can cover a lot of ground, head to town after a few clears and check what you got (rares etc will be lost).
Hopefully this helps you to get some gear to get a better feel of some of the classes. You can always check out or class guides for some build ideas as well.