The Best Time to Level an Alt Character in Diablo 4 Is This Week!

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Patch 2.1.2 brought quite a few fixes with it, but probably the most important is the new buff.

The patch comes with an event that sees the Tree of Whispers bounty caches doubled and the Mother’s Blessing XP buff return. That combination is the key to getting some very fast new characters to try out new classes!

How Does It Work?

If you have a character able to do at least Torment 1, you will be able to get some very speedy leveling for a new one. When you complete a Tree of Whispers bounty, you will receive a cache. In that cache you’ll find many items and materials, but most importantly, the cache will also contain experience. That cache is account-bound, so you can just stick it in your stash and have your newly created character pick it up and open it!

We’ve already seen players leveling their new chars to max level in under a minute using this technique. However, until February 25th, when you get a bounty cache, you’ll receive another one inside that original cache for free! That, on top of the 35% bonus experience from the Mother’s Blessing buff, makes for the fastest solo alt-leveling process we’ve seen in the game yet! Just complete some bounties, put the cache in the stash, grab it on the new character, open it, open the second one that pops out of that one. Repeat until you’re all the way to level 60!

Here’s Rob showcasing the event’s new cache-ception: