The Campfire Is Gone: Diablo 4 2.0 Has a New Character Creation Screen

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The patch 2.0 Public Test Realm is full of details about the new patch (and some hilarious bugs). But one of the not-so-high-profile changes is definitely the character selection screen. The old Diablo 2-reminiscent campfire has been replaced by a new and more sleek animated version.

The Old (aka the Current)

Players logging into the PTR will be greeted with a much more active character creation screen. Before aka currently on live servers we had/have a nice and cozy campfire for the classes to sit around and we would then choose from. These also have short animations when hovered over and have separate buttons to see some info about each class.

This was a really cool reference to Diablo 2’s creation screen as well.

The New

The 2.0 PTR screen favors a more mechanical UI feel, as we can select class icons instead and get some very flashy animations of each.

As you can see a lot more information is presented on the screen, and each class has a bigger individual focus with the entire screen to themselves.

Why the Change?

This may not just be a style-based change after all. With Spiritborn arriving with the expansion, the total of selectable classes is now 6. The campfire may have been deemed a little crowded. Perhaps not now, but as more classes get added in the future, each class would have gotten less and less space there. The new screens also give a lot more information about each class upfront and showcase them a lot better visually.

Good Change or Bad Change?

The community seems to be split here. Some players really liked the campfire, whether for its link to Diablo 2, or just in general. And it certainly is a lot more cozy! However, the new screens are full of class identity and are very flashy, which is rarely a bad thing.

In the end, the change is probably a good thing for new players, as they get to know a lot more about the class and its overall feel, while older players may end up missing the warmth of the fire. What do you think? Good or bad?