The Current State of the Season 5 PTR

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Discover the upcoming changes in Season 5 based on extensive PTR testing!

With Season 5 now available for testing, players have had the opportunity to explore the new season and share their initial thoughts.

The following summary is based on Rob’s latest video, where he reacts to Raxx’s insights.

Good Changes Coming in Season 5

We’ve highlighted the significant quality-of-life improvements from the Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR mentioned in the video below:

  • Combat Text Options: In the game settings, you can now reduce screen clutter by choosing which specific numbers to display.
  • New Codex Icons: The codex has been updated with new icons and colors.
  • New UI & Sounds: Mythic (Uber) Uniques now have a new sound effect and beam when they drop, making them instantly recognizable.
  • World Bosses: These have been made tougher, making fights more engaging.AI Improvements: Monsters are now more aggressive.
  • Other Quality-of-Life Changes: Whispers in Helltides have been consolidated, and tempering options have been improved.

Issues and Concerns from the Season 5 PTR

  • World Boss Rewards: Despite being more difficult, world bosses offer little reward, making them less appealing.
  • Rerolling System Costs: The high cost to reroll items is a significant issue, especially for casual players.
  • Quest Pacing: Some quests feel slow and tedious.
  • Class Balance: Barbarians and Sorcerers seem unbalanced, with Barbarians being particularly overpowered on the PTR.

Infernal Hordes Feedback

The Infernal Hordes is a new wave-based endgame feature coming in Season 5, revealed during the latest Campfire Chat. It has 8 tiers of difficulty and you can earn 10 uniques and 20 legendaries from it.

  • Event Design: The event feels boring due to its slow pace and lack of engaging boons/banes.
  • Rewards: The rewards do not justify the time and effort required.
  • Access to the Event: Compasses used to access the event need to drop more frequently.
  • How to Improve?: The mode could be enhanced by making boons and banes more impactful and adding more density and dynamic elements.

For more information, check out Rob’s latest video!