The First Seasonal Uber Unique Ring of Starless Skies?

Starym Avatar by Starym

We’ve see a Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest and a The GrandfatherGrandfather, now here comes the third reported Uber Unique in Season 1!

Patient-Prompt3612 wasn’t quite sure if the ring was actually an Uber unique, just based on power alone. While the Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies isn’t quite as powerful as the two Uber uniques we’ve seen in Season 1 so far, it’s still pretty good.

Of course, this may not be the actual first one of these that’s dropped in the season. As Patient-Prompt3612 themselves mention, some players may not even be aware of what they got! Or just didn’t report the drop when they got it. However, it is the first report we’ve seen of it. If you know someone that got it (or one of the other Uber Uniques) sooner (and can prove it), let us know!