The Most Important Tip in Diablo 4: Town Portal Edition

Starym Avatar by Starym
Sanctuary Map in Diablo 4

While the title may sound a little lofty and exaggerated, I assure you it is not. You may already know this trick/tip, but if you don’t, it’s going to save you a LOT of time and annoyance.

It’s a pretty simple one: don’t use the default Town Portal key to go to town. Unlike in Diablo 3, all towns that you arrive at with Town Portal have their vendors scattered around in 4. It will take you a while to get to them, sell/repair, go to the stash to put the gems in etc.

So what’s the tip? Instead of Town Portaling out of wherever you are, open the map and head to the Tree of Whispers instead.

Now sure, it will take you a few more seconds and some annoyance to click the map, go to the Sanctuary overmap (when you’re in a dungeon) and then find and click the Tree of Whispers waypoint, but I cannot overstate you just how much time, pointless running around and tedium this will save you in the long run. Not to mention you’ll get faster and faster at clicking the waypoint over time. And, of course, it’ll take a while to get that automatic “press T for town” out of your brain.

The gold vendor is almost adjacent to the portal as you can see. The blacksmith is only a few steps away, and the stash is right there at the bottom. When you need more advanced services like the Occultist, Jewler, Stables etc., you’ll still have to go to a town. But that’s a pretty big minority of your portal trips so it won’t be a problem.

Hopefully this turns out as useful for you as it was for me!