The One True Mythic: 64 Mythic Uniques Salvaged to Craft One Specific Shako/Harlequin’s Crest!

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Have you ever wanted to see multiple FULL inventories of Mythic Uniques get salvaged all at once? Well, this may just be the video for you!

What Is Rob Up To Now?

It’s time to hunt! The target this time is a specific Greater Affix Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest, as Rob salvages a whooole lot of Mythic Uniques to get as many chances to get it as possible! He is desperately looking for a cooldown reduction Greater Affix on a Shako, and is willing to destroy more than 60 other Ubers to get it! Luckily for us, we get to see this massive gamble, as well as the results.

After some very dramatic “All Items” clicks at the blacksmith’s salvage screen, a breezy 800,000,000 gold to craft all those Shakos, and a few questionable good luck rituals, after all was said and done, 16 Shakos came out of the session, but were any of them the one?

Let’s take a look (spoiler for the result under the video)! Head over to 11:12 and 31:34 for the exact highlights if you’re impatient.

Spoiler of the Results

Yes, yes he did, and almost at the very last one crafted! But that wasn’t it yet, as it was then time to spend some obscene amounts of materials trying to get that perfect masterwork on the Greater Affix cooldown reduction! And he managed to snag that one as well, with that 54% cooldown reduction sitting triumphantly in the inventory at the end of this insane journey. It only took 18K Rawhide, around 10K Neathiron, and 3K each of Ingolith and Obducite to get that masterwork done.

So congratulations to Rob!